A cell has a possibility to attach URLs. It can be done by using iFrames and AJAX calls.
In the case of iFrames call, an iFrame will be created inside of a cell, and your URL will be attached as a separate page (it will have access to your code as you will have control over the content inside of the iFrame).
In the case of AJAX call, the content returned by the server will be placed inside of a div.
GET request
POST request without params
dhxComponent.cells(id).attachURL("page.html", null, true);
POST with params
dhxComponent.cells(id).attachURL("page.html", null, {fname: "Mike", hobby: "fishing"});
GET request
dhxComponent.cells(id).attachURL("page.html", true);
POST request without params
dhxComponent.cells(id).attachURL("page.html", true, true);
POST with params
dhxComponent.cells(id).attachURL("page.html", true, {fname: "Mike", hobby: "fishing"});
As it was said above, loading is async, so to proceed with content, you need to use the "onContentLoaded" event:
// firstly add the event
dhxComponent.attachEvent("onContentLoaded", function(id){
// page.html id loaded, your code here
// now attach a URL
This part is related to the iFrame-mode only.
Assuming the code below has been attached:
<script> function myFunc() {
console.log("I'm attached function");
<div id="attachedObject">
Some text here
Firstly, you need to get an iFrame object from the cell where the attached content is located:
var ifr = dhxComponent.cells(id).getFrame();
Now you can access the elements:
// make sure an element exists
var elem = ifr.contentWindow.document.getElementById("attachedObject");
elem.innerHTML = "Some new text here";
and call some JS code:
// make sure function exists and located in the iFrame's window scope
This part is related to the iFrame-mode only.
If you need to make some actions with a cell from the attached page (for example, hide the window by clicking some button on the page or collapse a layout's cell) this can be done in the following way:
<!-- this attached page.html -->
<script> function controlParent() {
parent.myLayout.cells(id).collapse(); // collapse layout's cell
parent.myWins.window(id).hide(); // hiding a window
Any variable or function can be acccessed but make sure it is declared in a global window scope.
Any attached URL can be detached from a cell by using the detachObject() method:
// attach
// detach later
If the 1st param is set to true, the object (iFrame or a div with AJAX content) will be removed from DOM, otherwise it will be moved to document.body.
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