Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite dataProcessor API DHTMLX Docs

dataProcessor API

clearVerificator cancels verifying of a column
defineAction defines a handler function for a specific response status
enableDataNames changes the default names of incoming parameters (c0-cN) to the columns' ids in the Grid
enableDebug enables debug output
enablePartialDataSend enables the mode when only updated properties will be sent to the server side
enableUTFencoding sets data escaping mode
getState returns the state of an item (updated or not)
getSyncState returns the state of DataProcessor
ignore executes a block without triggering DataProcessor
init links DataProcessor to the component
sendData sends all data which aren't saved to the server side yet
setTransactionMode configures the data sending mode
setUpdateMode defines the action that will trigger data saving
setUpdated marks an item as updated
setVerificator specifies a column which values should be verified before sending to the server
url sets URL to the server-side data saving script
onAfterUpdate fires after receiving and processing server side response
onAfterUpdateFinish fires after receiving and processing ALL items in the response
onBeforeDataSending fires before sending data to a server
onBeforeUpdate fires before updating a record (records)
onFullSync fires when all data saved and client and server is in sync
onRowMark fires before each attempt to mark the updated item
onValidationError fires after validation error before data sending
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