Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Block Control DHTMLX Docs

Block Control

allows combining several sense-connected items


idstring|numberthe block's id
typestringthe "block" type
textstringthe block’s label
text_posstringthe label’s position: “top” or “bottom”
modebooleandefines how the user will specify the items in the block: by columns (“cols”) or by rows (“rows”)
listarrayan array of items in the block

myRibbon = new dhtmlXRibbon({
    parent: "myRibbon",
    icons_path: "../codebase/ribbon/",
    items : [
        {id : "block_1", type:'block', text:'Block #1', mode:'cols', list:[
            {type:'button', text:'Open', isbig : true, img : "48/open.gif"},
            {type:'button', text:'new' , img : "18/new.gif"},
            {type:'button', text:'cut', img : "18/cut.gif" }
        {id : "block_2", type:'block', text:'Block #2', text_pos: 'top', list:[
            {type:'button', text:'copy' , img : "18/copy.gif"},
            {type:'button', text:'print' , img : "18/print.gif"},
            {type:'button', text:'paste', img : "48/paste.gif", isbig : true }
        {id : "block_1", type : "block", list : [
            {type : "button", text : "save", isbig : true, img : "48/save.gif"}

Related sample:  Init from object

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