Undo Extension

The Undo object has a set of methods that allow you to undo/redo the made changes.
Read details about the Undo extension in the Undo/Redo Functionality article.


The following methods are available via the gantt.ext.undo object:

Undo() / Redo()

  • undo (): void - reverts the changes made in the gantt
  • redo (): void - applies the reverted changes to the gantt once again

getUndoStack() / getRedoStack()

  • getUndoStack (): UndoRedoAction[] - returns the stack of stored undo user actions
var stack = gantt.ext.undo.getUndoStack();
  • getRedoStack (): UndoRedoAction[] - returns the stack of stored redo user actions
var stack = gantt.ext.undo.getRedoStack();

The returned stack is an array of the undo user actions. Each user action contains a set of commands. A command is an object with the following attributes:

  • type - (string) the type of a command: "add/remove/update"
  • entity - (string) the type of the object which was changed: "task" or "link"
  • value - (object) the changed task/link object
  • oldValue - (object) the task/link object before changes

clearUndoStack() / clearRedoStack()

  • clearUndoStack (): void - clears the stack of stored undo commands
  • clearRedoStack (): void - clears the stack of stored redo commands


  • saveState (id, entityType): boolean - saves the current state of a task/link before the changes are made
    • id - (string | number) - the id of a task/link,
    • type - (string) - the type of an entry for which the id is provided as the first argument.
      Supported values: "task", "link".
gantt.ext.undo.saveState(1, "task");
gantt.ext.undo.saveState(1, "link");

Read the details in the Undoing/Redoing changes made from code article.

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