Zoom Extension

You can read details about the Zoom extension in the Zooming article. The current article provides the API reference of the zoom object:

Zoom Levels

The Zoom extension uses a set of the scale settings and allows quickly switching between them.

ZoomLevel is an object that contains the scale settings. It has the following properties:

  • name - (string) - the name of the level
  • scale_height? - (number) - the height of the scale
  • height? - (number) - the height of the scale
  • min_column_width? - (number) - the minimal width of a column. It has a higher priority than minColumnWidth and maxColumnWidth
  • scales - (Scales) - an array of scales to switch between while zooming in/out on this level


  • init (zoomConfig): void - initializes the extension with the provided configuration.
    • zoomConfig - (object) - an object with configuration settings that contains the levels array of zooming levels and a number of additional properties:
      • levels - (ZoomLevel[]) - required, an array of zooming levels
      • handler? - (Function): void - allows specifying a custom handler of the mouse wheel to work with zooming manually
        • e - (Event) - a native event object.
      • startDate? - (Date) - the start value of the time scale zooming
      • endDate? - (Date) - the end value of the time scale zooming
      • activeLevelIndex? - (number) - the number of the default active level
      • widthStep? - (number) - the step of increasing/decreasing the width of scale while switching to the next/previous zooming level
      • minColumnWidth? - (number) - the minimal width of a column that allows switching to the previous zooming level
      • maxColumnWidth? - (number) - the maximal width of a column that allows switching to the next zooming level
      • useKey? - (string) - the key that enables zooming by scrolling the mouse wheel:"ctrlKey" | "altKey" | "shiftKey"
      • trigger? - (string | null | undefined) - the trigger of zooming: "wheel" | null | undefined
      • element? - (HTMLElement | Function): HTMLElement - a DOM element over which zooming is triggered or a function that returns a DOM element

These are two examples of setting the zoom configuration:

var zoomConfig = {
    levels: [
        scale_height: 27,
            {unit: "day", step: 1, format: "%d %M"}
         scale_height: 50,
          {unit: "week", step: 1, format: function (date) {
           var dateToStr = gantt.date.date_to_str("%d %M");
           var endDate = gantt.date.add(date, 6, "day");
           var weekNum = gantt.date.date_to_str("%W")(date);
           return "#" + weekNum + ", " + dateToStr(date) + " - " + dateToStr(endDate);
           {unit: "day", step: 1, format: "%j %D"}
         scale_height: 50,
            {unit: "month", format: "%F, %Y"},
            {unit: "week", format: "Week #%W"}
         height: 50,
          {unit: "month", step: 1, format: "%M"},
           unit: "quarter", step: 1, format: function (date) {
            var dateToStr = gantt.date.date_to_str("%M");
            var endDate = gantt.date.add(gantt.date.add(date, 3, "month"), -1, "day");
            return dateToStr(date) + " - " + dateToStr(endDate);
          scale_height: 50,
          min_column_width: 30,
            {unit: "year", step: 1, format: "%Y"}
// or, in a more simple way levels can be presented as scale arrays
var hourToStr = gantt.date.date_to_str("%H:%i");
var hourRangeFormat = function(step){
    return function(date){
        var intervalEnd = new Date(gantt.date.add(date, step, "hour") - 1)
        return hourToStr(date) + " - " + hourToStr(intervalEnd);
var zoomConfig = {
    levels: [
            { unit: "month", format: "%M %Y", step: 1},
            { unit: "month", format: "%M %Y", step: 1},
            { unit: "day", format: "%d %M", step: 1}
            { unit: "day", format: "%d %M", step: 1},
            { unit: "hour", format: hourRangeFormat(12), step: 12}
            {unit: "day", format: "%d %M",step: 1},
            {unit: "hour",format: hourRangeFormat(6),step: 6}
            { unit: "day", format: "%d %M", step: 1 },
            { unit: "hour", format: "%H:%i", step: 1}
  • getCurrentLevel (): number - returns the number (index) of the current zooming level
  • setLevel (level): void - switches to the specified zooming level.
    • level - (number | string) - The level is defined either by a string (the name of the level from the config, e.g. "year"), or by its number in the array of levels
// or 
  • getLevels (): array - allows getting all zooming levels

Returns an array of zooming levels (ZoomLevels[]) passed to the init() method that initializes the extension.

  • zoomIn (): void - increases the current zooming level

For the same purpose you can also use:

gantt.ext.zoom.setLevel(zoom.getCurrentLevel() - 1)
  • zoomOut (): void - decreases the current zooming level

For the same purpose you can also use:

gantt.ext.zoom.setLevel(zoom.getCurrentLevel() + 1)
  • attachEvent (name, handler): string - attaches an event handler

    • name - (string) - the name of the event handler
    • handler - (Function) - the function that will be called when the event fires
  • detachEvent (id): void - detaches a handler from an event

    • id - (string) - the id of the attached event handler
  • callEvent (name, params): boolean - calls an inner event

    • name - (string) - the event's name, case-insensitive
    • params - (Array<any>) - optional, an array of the event-related data
  • checkEvent (name): boolean - checks whether an event has some handler(s) specified

    • name - (string) - the event's name

Returns true, if some handler is specified for the event.


  • onAfterZoom - fires during switching of the zooming level. The arguments are:
    • level - (number | string) - the number of the level
    • config - (ZoomLevel) - the config of the level
gantt.ext.zoom.attachEvent("onAfterZoom", function(level, config){ 
    document.querySelector(".gantt_radio[value='" +config.name+ "']").checked = true;
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