Available only in PRO Edition

Resources Control

This functionality is available in the PRO Edition only.

A complex control used to assign multiple resources and their quantity to a task.

Resources control server options

gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
 {name: "description", height: 38, map_to: "text", type: "textarea", focus: true},
 {name:"owner",height:60, type:"resources", default_value:8},    {name: "time", type: "duration", map_to: "auto"}

Related sample:  Assign multiple resources


Resources control options

gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
  { name:"description",height:38,map_to:"text",type:"textarea",focus:true },
  { name:"time",type:"duration",map_to:"auto" },
  { name:"rooms",type:"resources",map_to:"rooms", options:[        { key: 1, label: "room 1", unit: "hours" },          { key: 2, label: "room 2", unit: "hours" },         { key: 3, label: "room 3", unit: "hours" }       ]    }    ];
gantt.locale.labels.section_rooms = "Rooms";

Related sample:  Resources control


To add the resources control to the lightbox, follow the steps below:

1. Add a section to the lightbox configuration:

gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
  { name:"description",height:38,map_to:"text",type:"textarea",focus:true },
  { name:"time",type:"duration",map_to:"auto" },
  { name:"rooms",type:"resources" }    ];

2. Set a label for the section:

gantt.locale.labels.section_resources = "Rooms";

Related sample:  Resources control


The following properties are mostly important and commonly set for the resources control (see the full list here):

  • name - (string) the section name
  • map_to - (string) the name of a data property that will be mapped to the section
  • type - (string) the type of the section control
  • options - (array) an array of objects. Defines select options of the control (used for the select, checkbox,radio and resources controls). Each object in the array specifies a single option and includes the following properties:
    • key - (string) the option id. This attribute is compared with the task data property to assign options to tasks
    • label - (string) the option label
    • unit - (number) the unit of measurement of the resource
  • focus - (boolean) if set to true, the section will take focus on opening the lightbox
  • default_value - (any) the default value of the section's control. Applied if the value of the resource is undefined. Each option from the options array can have its own default value specified.

By default the resource control is mapped to the property specified in the resource_property config, so the map_to option can be omitted.

By default the resource control is automatically populated from the resource datastore via the gantt.serverList("resourceOptions") collection. You only need to specify the options list manually if you want to change the default behavior.

Populating control with data

Starting from v8.0, the resource control gets options from the resource Datastore by default.

If you use the default resource Datastore created by Gantt, the resource control initialized without the options parameter, will be connected to the gantt.serverList("resourceOptions") collection. This collection will be populated with the resources from the resource datastore. You can access options by code:

const options = gantt.serverList("resourceOptions");

Note, the options array will be empty before the resources are loaded into the datastore.

You can also update this collection using the custom list of options:

gantt.updateCollection("resourceOptions", [...]);

Note, that if you load resources into the gantt after that, the gantt will update this collection and overwrite your changes.

If you want to control which resources go to the lightbox, you can redefine the gantt.config.resources.lightbox_resources config:

gantt.config.resources = {
    lightbox_resources: function selectResourceControlOptions(resources){
        const lightboxOptions = [];
        resources.forEach(function(res) {
            if (!gantt.$resourcesStore.hasChild(res.id)) {
                const copy = gantt.copy(res);
                copy.key = res.id;
                copy.label = res.text;
        return lightboxOptions;

If you create the resource datastore manually, you need to populate the resource control with the options yourself.

Generally, to set values for the resources control, use the options parameter:

gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
    { name:"rooms",type:"resources",map_to:"rooms",
            { key: 1, label: "room 1", unit: "hours" },
            { key: 2, label: "room 2", unit: "hours" },
            { key: 3, label: "room 3", unit: "hours" }

Items in the options parameter have 3 mandatory properties:

  • key - the option id
  • label - the option label
  • unit - the unit of measurement of the resource

Populating control with data from the server

To populate the control from the server, set the options option to the value returned by the serverList method:

gantt.config.lightbox.sections = [
 {name: "description", height: 38, map_to: "text", type: "textarea", focus: true},
 {name: "resources", type: "resources", map_to: "owner_id", default_value:8,
    options: gantt.serverList("resourceOptions")},
 {name: "time", type: "duration", map_to: "auto"}

The contents of gantt.serverList("resourceOptions") can be defined when the options become available using the updateCollection method:

gantt.updateCollection("resourceOptions", [
    { key: 1, label: "room 1", unit: "hours" },
    { key: 2, label: "room 2", unit: "hours" },
    { key: 3, label: "room 3", unit: "hours" }

Related sample:  Assign multiple resources

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