Live Update Mode

Live Update is a mode that provides synchronous data update in real time. When some user makes a change, it becomes visible to all others immediately. The mode uses the Faye socket library to make the process as fast and flexible as possible, and doesn't require any page refreshes (updates just a component it's applied to).

Live update can be applied to 4 components:

  1. Grid
  2. TreeGrid
  3. Scheduler
  4. DataView

How does it work?

When you run the app with the enabled live update mode the following process takes place:

  1. The app connects clients to the server which links them to data storage.
  2. Then, the app establishes a two-way connection with the Node.js server (opens a socket for the app and keeps it opened as long as the app is running).
  3. When a client makes some change, the related request immediately goes to the server which processes it and sends the answer to the app. If the answer is affirmative ( the request was performed successfully), the app passes the message to the Node.js server informing that some change was made together with the details of this change. Node.js, in its turn, sends this message to all other clients running the app.
    The Live Update library helps to process the obtained information and make the related updates on the clients.


To activate Live Update for a component, do the following steps:

  1. Set up the Node.js server:
    • Install Node.js;
    • Download the package (). The package is used for all components, not only for dhtmlxGrid;
    • Unzip the package and copy the nodejs folder into the root directory of your web server;
    • Execute in the command line: node nodejs/server.js.
  2. Include 2 files:
    • live_updates.js (a file located in the root_folder/dhtmlxDataProcessor/codebase folder in case you are using the dhtmlxSuite, dhtmlxGrid, dhtmlxTree, or dhtmlxTreeGrid packages. If you want to use Live Update in dhtmlxScheduler, please, download the dhtmlxSuite package and take the file from it);
    • sync.js (the file is located on the Node.js server. It's automatically generated by the server code provided in the download link - the "server.js" file).

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8008/sync.js"></script>
    <script src="../codebase/live_update.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
  3. Initialize dataProcessor for the appropriate component and call the method live_updates.

    var myDP = new dataProcessor("myconnector.php");
    myDP.live_updates("http://localhost:8008/sync");// the path to the JS Server

Learning in practice

To make it easy to learn the topic, you can go through the step-by-step tutorial - Live Updates in DHTMLX.

As you follow the tutorial, you will create a simple grid that accepts a user’s text input and updates it in real time.
The simple steps introduce common information and useful tips needed for using the mode in app development.

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