Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite XML format used by connector DHTMLX Docs

XML format used by connector


    <row id="some1"><cell>value 1,1</cell><cell>value 1,2</cell></row>
    <row id="some2"><cell>value 2,1</cell><cell>value 2,2</cell></row>
  • row - the tag represents row in the grid
  • cell - the tag represents cell in the grid

row@id - the mandatory attribute, must be unique for each row; the row and cell tags may contain additional attributes which will be processed in the default way.

In the dynamic loading mode

<rows total_count="50000" pos="1230">
    <row id="some1230"><cell>value 1,1</cell><cell>value 1,2</cell></row>
    <row id="some1231"><cell>value 2,1</cell><cell>value 2,2</cell></row>
  • rows@total_count - the count of rows in grid, needs to be sent only for the first data request (when the posStart parameter is not defined )
  • rows@pos - equal to posStart parameters, defines where grid data will be added to


    <row id="some1">
        <cell image="some.gif">value 1,1</cell><cell>value 1,2</cell>
        <row id="some11"><cell>child value 1</cell><cell>child value 2</cell></row>
    <row id="some2"><cell>value 2,1</cell><cell>value 2,2</cell></row>
  • row - the tag represents a row in the grid, one row tag can contain other row tags inside (parent - child relation in the hierarchy )
  • cell - the tag represents a cell in the grid
  • row@id - the mandatory attribute, must be unique for each row
  • cell@image - can define an image for a tree cell in grid (optional)

Dynamic loading

<rows parent="id">
    <row id="some1" xmlkids="1">
        <cell image="some.gif">value 1,1</cell><cell>value 1,2</cell>
    <row id="some2"><cell>value 2,1</cell><cell>value 2,2</cell></row>
  • row@xmlkids - defines that a row can contain child nodes
  • rows@parent - the name of parent ID (equal to the incoming "id" parameter), the ID of virtual root - 0


    <item id="some" text="name">
        <item id="child1" text="name 1"/>
        <item id="child2" text="name 2"/>
  • item tag - an item in a tree, can nest other item tags to represent the parent-child relation
  • item@id - ID, unique for each item
  • item@text - a label

In case of dynamic loading

<tree id="id">
    <item id="some" text="name" childs="1">
  • item@childs - defines that a row can contain child nodes
  • tree@id - the name of the parent ID (equal to the incoming "id" parameter), the ID of virtual root - 0


    <option value="some">Some label</option>
    <option value="other">Other label</option>
  • option - represents an option in combo

In case of dynamic loading:

<data add="true">
    <option value="some">Some label</option>
    <option value="other">Other label</option>

If the "pos" parameter has been provided, the response must contain the data@add attribute to mark that it's not a new set of values, but an addition to the existing one.

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