Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Defining Grid Structure on Server Side DHTMLX Docs

Defining Grid Structure on Server Side


Starting from version 1.0, connectors can be used to define the header of Grid.

It can be done in 2 ways:

Automatic defining

In case of automatic defining, Grid will use names of a table's fields as labels for the columns.

$grid = new GridConnector($res);
$grid->set_config(new GridConfiguration());

If you want to apply an automatic server-side sorting and filtering for the specified columns, you should specify true inside of GridConfiguration:

$grid->set_config(new GridConfiguration(true));

Manual defining

In the manual mode the headers and their parameters are defined by php command. Names of commands mimic the names of the js commands with a similar functionality.

$config = new GridConfiguration();
$config->setHeader(array("column 1","column 2"));

Available commands

All commands below get as the input parameter an array of values or a comma-separated string, delimited by 'header delimiter' (default value - ',').

// column labels
// column types
// column IDs
// column width, int values, will be processed as size in pixels
// column width, int value, will be threated as size in percents
// column align
// column sorting type
// column color
// visibility of a column 
$config->setColHidden($hidStr);//'true' if a column must be hidden, 'false' otherwise.

Header and footer

To attach a header to the grid you should use the attachHeader() method:

$config->attachHeader($values, $styles = null);


  • array or string of header names. In case of a string, the names are delimited by 'header delimiter' (default value -',')
  • array or string of header styles. In case of a string, the styles are delimited by 'header delimiter' (default value - ',')

To attach a footer to the grid you should use the attachFooter() method:

$config->attachFooter($values, $styles = null);


  • array or string of footer names. In case of a string, the names are delimited by 'header delimiter' (default value - ',')
  • array or string of footer styles. In case of a string, the styles are delimited by 'header delimiter' (default value - ',')

Header delimiter

The header delimeter sets a symbol or several symbols which will be used as a delimiter in string arguments.


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