attachEvent | adds any user-defined handler to available events |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event |
disable | disables dhtmlxSlider |
disableTooltip | disables a slider's tooltip |
enable | enables dhtmlxSlider |
enableTooltip | enables/disables a tooltip |
getMax | returns current maximal value of a slider |
getMin | returns current minimal value of a slider |
getRunnerIndex | returns the index of the active runner |
getStep | returns the slider's step value |
getValue | returns the current value of a slider control |
hide | hides dhtmlxSlider |
init | initialization of dhtmlxSlider object |
isEnabled | returns "true" if the slider is enabled |
isVisible | returns "true" if the slider is visible |
linkTo | links the slider to other controls |
setImagePath | sets the path to the folder with images |
setMax | sets the maximal value for a slider |
setMin | set the minimal value for a slider |
setOnChangeHandler | sets the function called when the slider's value is changed |
setSize | sets the size of the slider control |
setSkin | sets skin for the Slider control |
setStep | sets a new step value for the slider |
setValue | sets the current value of a slider control |
show | shows dhtmlxSlider |
unload | destructor, unloads dhtmlxSlider |