Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Methods DHTMLX Docs


addCell adds a new cell to the carousel
attachEvent adds any user-defined handler to available events
attachFooter attaches footer to component's bottom
attachHeader attaches header to component's top
attachMenu attaches dhtmlxMenu to component's top
attachRibbon attaches dhtmlxRibbon to component's top
attachStatusBar attaches a status bar object to component's bottom
attachToolbar attaches dhtmlxToolbar to component's top
cells returns dhtmlXCarouselCell instance (a cell of carousel)
detachEvent detaches a handler from an event
detachFooter detaches footer from component's bottom
detachHeader detaches header from component's top
detachMenu detaches dhtmlxMenu from component's top
detachRibbon detaches dhtmlxRibbon from component's top
detachStatusBar detaches status bar object from component's bottom
detachToolbar detaches dhtmlxToolbar from component's top
enableHotKeys enables hot keys for arrow buttons
forEachCell an iterator, calls a user-defined handler for each cell
getActiveCell returns object of the active cell
getActiveId returns the id of the active cell
getActiveIndex returns the index of the active cell
getAttachedMenu returns dhtmlxMenu instance attached to component's top
getAttachedRibbon returns dhtmlxRibbon instance attached to component's top
getAttachedStatusBar returns status bar object attached to component's bottom
getAttachedToolbar returns dhtmlxToolbar instance attached to component's top
goFirst switches to the first carousel cell
goLast switches to the last carousel cell
goNext switches to the next cell
goPrev switches to the previous cell
hideControls hides the button controls used for switching carousel cells
hideMenu hides dhtmlxMenu attached to component's top
hideRibbon hides dhtmlxRibbon attached to component's top
hideStatusBar hides status bar object attached to component's bottom
hideToolbar hides dhtmlxToolbar attached to component's top
progressOff hides progress indicator for full component
progressOn shows progress indicator for full component
setCellSize sets width and height of the cell
setOffset sets cell offsets withing visible area
setOffsets sets offsets for parent container from each side
setSizes changes object instance's size according to the outer container
showControls shows the button controls used for switching carousel cells
showMenu shows dhtmlxMenu attached to component's top
showRibbon shows dhtmlxRibbon attached to component's top
showStatusBar shows status bar object attached to component's bottom
showToolbar shows dhtmlxToolbar attached to component's bottom
unload unloads the carousel component (destructor)
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