defines the date format
window.dhx.dateFormat = {
en: "%Y-%m-%d"
While specifying the format for dates you can use any character from the following list:
%d | day as a number with leading zero, 01..31 |
%j | day as a number, 1..31 |
%D | short name of the day, Su Mo Tu... |
%l | full name of the day, Sunday Monday Tuesday... |
%m | month as a number with leading zero, 01..12 |
%n | month as a number, 1..12 |
%M | short name of the month, Jan Feb Mar... |
%F | full name of the month, January February March... |
%y | year as a number, 2 digits |
%Y | year as a number, 4 digits |
%h | hours 12-format with leading zero, 01..12) |
%g | hours 12-format, 1..12) |
%H | hours 24-format with leading zero, 01..24 |
%G | hours 24-format, 1..24 |
%i | minutes with leading zero, 01..59 |
%s | seconds with leading zero, 01..59 |
%a | am or pm |
%A | AM or PM |
%% | escape for % |
%u | milliseconds |
%P | timezone offset |