Dynamic Change of Scale Settings

Changing the scale on-the-fly helps you to make a Gantt chart flexible - able to fit to the user's needs.

For example, a manager has a 1-year project. To get the whole picture of the project, it's better for him to see the project in months. But to know the details of a specific task, it's more suitable to have the project scheduled by weeks or days.

Which unit to choose? All of them! And give users a possibility to choose by themselves which one to apply.

Configuration settings

To change a scale's setting (e.g. step, sub-scale) dynamically (after dhtmlxGantt is initialized), use the following technique:

  1. Set new values for the related configuration option(s).
    For example, to change the scale's unit from "month" to "day", use the unit property of the scales property.
  2. Redefine the related template (if required).
    For example, to highlight weekends in the scale, use the scale_cell_class template.
  3. Redraw the Gantt chart with the render method.

Dynamic changing of the scale configuration

gantt.config.scales = [
    {unit: "month", step: 1, format: "%F, %Y"},
gantt.config.scales = [                             {unit: "day", step: 1, format: "%d %M, %D"} ];                                              gantt.templates.scale_cell_class = function(date){    if(date.getDay()==0||date.getDay()==6){        return "weekend";    }};gantt.render();
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