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Manipulating items

You can easily manipulate Diagram items via the Diagram Editor. But in this article we'll explore the examples on how to manipulate the items of DHTMLX Diagram via the component's API. The article contains different sections that cover such questions as:

Arranging shapes automatically

The library provides you with the ability to implement auto-placement for shapes and connectors of the diagram initialized in the default mode. The auto-placement allows you:

  • to place connected shapes in the symmetric order at once;
  • to arrange data loaded in the JSON format or loaded from the server in the hierarchical structure.

To perform the auto-placement, you need to make use of the autoPlace() method. The method can take one parameter:

  • config - (object) optional, an object with configuration settings of the auto-placement. The object contains two optional properties:
    • mode - (string) the mode of connecting shapes, "direct" (by default) or "edges"
    • graphPadding - (number) sets the distance between unconnected diagrams, "200" by default
    • placeMode - (string) sets the mode of placement of shapes, "orthogonal" (by default) or "radial"
const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container");;

mode: "edges",
graphPadding: 100,
placeMode: "radial"

Related sample: Diagram. Default mode. Autoplacement

In case you don't pass the parameter to the method, the default settings will be applied.

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container");;


There is also the ability to configure settings for the auto-placement by using the autoplacement configuration option of Diagram and applying the autoPlace() method.


The autoPlace() method works only in the default mode of the diagram and only for shapes.

Adding an item

To add a new item into a diagram, apply the add() method of the data object.{ id: "3.2", text: "New Item", parent: "3" }); 

For example, we've added a new shape object that has the following attributes:

  • id - (string|number) the unique id of a shape
  • text - (string) the text to be rendered in a shape
  • parent - (string|number) the id of the parent shape

You can check all available properties of shape objects in the API section.

Related sample: Diagram. Data. Add/delete item

Getting an item

You can get the object of an item by passing its id to the getItem() method of the data object. For example:

const shape =;

After getting an item, you can access its original properties, as follows:

const shape =;
const text = shape.text;

Getting the id of an item

If the id of an item is unknown, you can use the getId() method to get it. The method takes the index of the item as a parameter:

const id =; // -> returns "1"

Getting the index of an item

You can get the index of an item by passing its id to the getIndex() method:

const id ="1"); // -> returns 0

Deleting items

Deleting a single item

To delete an unnecessary item, make use of the remove() method of the data object and pass as a parameter the id of the item under question:"3.2");  

If the diagram is initialized either in the org or mindmap mode, deleting a shape will remove its connectors and all child shapes as well.

Deleting all the items

If necessary, you can clear the diagram, by deleting all the items at once. For this, apply the removeAll() method of the data object:;

Related sample: Diagram. Data. Add/delete item

Updating an item

You can update the look and content of an item with the help of the update() method of the data object:"1", { text: "Some new text" });

As parameters, you need to pass two parameters:

  • id - (string|number) the id of the item
  • config - (object) an object with updated configuration properties

Related sample: Diagram. Data. Update item

Checking existence of the item

You can check whether an item exists in the diagram via the exists() method of the data collection. The method takes the id of the item as a parameter and returns true, if the item exists:

const shapeExists ="1");

Selecting items

Selecting an item

To select items, you need firstly enable selection for the diagram and then call the add() method of the selection object to select a desired item.

// a diagram must be created with the "select:true" option
const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
select: true
// loading data;

diagram.selection.add({ id: "1" }); // -> returns true if the item has been selected
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1"]

// adds the item with the id:"2" to the already selected items
diagram.selection.add({ id: "2", join: true });
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1", "2"]

// removes the previously selected items and adds the item with the id:"3"
diagram.selection.add({ id: "3" });
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["3"]

The method takes as an argument an object with the following parameters:

  • id - (required) the id of the item to add into the selection list
  • join - (optional) the mode of adding the selected element to the selection list. In case the parameter is set to false or isn't passed, the items previously added into the selection list will be reset
  • batch - (optional) the list of items to select (if known beforehand)

The method returns:

  • true if the element hadn't been in the list and was successfully added into it
  • false if the element wasn't added into the list by some reason, e.g. an element had already been added to the list

Unselecting an item

To remove an item from the selection list, make use of the remove() method of the selection object:

console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1", "2", "3"]
diagram.selection.remove({ id: "3" }); // -> returns true if the item has been unselected
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1", "2"]

The method may take an object with the id of the item to unselect as a parameter. It returns true, if the item has been successfully removed from the selection list.

You can also call the method with no arguments to clear the selection list as follows:

console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1", "2", "3"]
// removes all the items from the selection list
console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> []

Getting the ids of selected items

You can get the list of ids of the currently selected items with the getIds() method of the selection object:

const ids = diagram.selection.getIds(); // -> ["1", "1.1" ...] or []

The method returns an array of ids of selected items and sub-items or an empty array, if there are no selected items at the moment.

Getting the object of a selected item

You can get the object of a selected item using the getItem() method of the selection object. The method may take as an argument an object with the following parameter:

  • id - (required) - the id of the item in question

You can also call the method without the parameter to get the object of the last selected item. Check the examples below to explore the method's functionality:

// a diagram must be created with the "select:true" option
const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
select: true
// loading data;

console.log(diagram.selection.getIds()); // -> ["1", "2", "3"]
// getting the last selected item
const item = diagram.selection.getItem();
// -> {id: "3", text: "Technical Director", title: "Jerry Wagner"}

// getting the selected item by id
const item = diagram.selection.getItem({ id: "1" });
// -> {id: "1", text: "Chairman & CEO", title: "Henry Bennett"}

// trying to get an item which is not in the selection list
const item = diagram.selection.getItem({ id: "4" });
// -> returns undefined, since there is no item with the specified id in the selection list

Clearing the selection list

Whenever you need to clear the selection list without invoking events, use the clear() method:


Checking whether an item is selected

There is a way to check the presence of an item in the list of selected Diagram items via API. Use the includes() method of the selection object for this purpose:

diagram.selection.getIds(); // -> ["1", "2", "3"]
diagram.selection.includes({ id: "1" }) // returns true
diagram.selection.includes({ id: "4" }) // returns false

The method takes as an argument an object with the following parameters:

  • id - (string|number) required, the id of the checked item

Related sample: Diagram. Selection. Item selection

Expanding/collapsing items

You can expand and collapse either a shape that have child shapes or a group/swimlane via the corresponding API methods: expandItem() and collapseItem().

Both methods takes two parameters:

  • id - (string|number) the id of the item
  • dir - (string) optional, defines the side the children will be hidden/shown in relation to the parent shape: "left", "right"
// expanding the item with the id "3"

// collapsing the item with the id "3"

Note, that the dir attribute can be used only in the mindmap mode of Diagram (type:"mindmap").

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {

diagram.collapseItem("main", "left");
diagram.expandItem("main", "left");

Showing the necessary item

In case you have a large diagram with lots of items, DHTMLX Diagram provides you with the possibility to make the desired item visible. For this, you need to apply the showItem() method, which takes the id of an item as a parameter:


Related sample: Diagram. Scroll content

You can read more about scrolling in DHTMLX Diagram.

Finding the necessary item

You can use the API of the Diagram component to find the necessary item in the diagram. The find() method of the data collection will help you to perform this task. The method takes the search criteria as a parameter and returns the first object of the shape that matches the specified criteria:

// searching for a shape by the attribute key
const shape ={by:"text",match:"Manager"});
// ->{id:"2",text:"Manager",title:"Mildred Kim",img:"../avatar-2.png",type:"card", …}

// searching for a shape by the function
const shape = => {
return true;

Related sample: Diagram. Data. Finding necessary shape

Finding all the items that meet the search criteria

You can also find all the items that meet the set criteria via the findAll() of the data collection method. The method takes the same parameters as the find() method and returns an array of item objects:

// searching for shapes by the attribute key
const shapes ={by:"text",match:"Manager"});

// searching for shapes by the function
const shapes = => {
return true;
// ->{id:"2",text:"Manager",title:"Mildred Kim",img:"../avatar-2.png",type:"card", …}
// ->{id:"2.1",text:"Marketer",title:"Charles Little", img: "../avatar-4.png", …}

Filtering items

It is possible to filter the diagram and render only the items that meet the filter criteria via the filter() method of the data collection. The method will show only the filtered items, hiding the rest of items.

Drag-n-drop of group items

The default settings of a group allow you to reorder child items in the group and drag items between groups.

If needed you can disable dragging child items to different groups and make it possible to drag the items only within their parent group. In addition, you can adjust the behavior of the borders of the parent group and define whether they should expand when a user is dragging a child item outside the group.

For more details about how to configure the behavior of group items, read the related article.

Working with swimlane cells

You can manage swimlane cells with the help of the CellManager API. For example, you can add, move, remove cells as rows or columns, validate cells, and much more.

Let's take a swimlane of the following configuration:

const data = [
type: "$swimlane",
id: "main",
height: 500,
width: 600,
layout: [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
header: {
text: "Swimlane",
position: "top"
subHeaderRows: {
{ text: "Subheader 1", id: "s1" },
{ text: "Subheader 2", id: "s2" },
{ text: "Subheader 3", id: "s3" }

and consider how to operate the cells of the swimlane using the available API methods.

Setting/resetting the active swimlane

To be able to manipulate the cells of a swimlane, you need to set the active swimlane. It can be done either via the setSwimlane() method of the cellManager object:


or via the add() method of the selection object:


After you finish operating the swimlane or its cells, you can apply the resetSwimlane() method of the cellManager object to remove selection from the swimlane:


Adding a column/row

You can add a set of cells either as a row or column into the swimlane. For this, you should apply the add() method of the cellManager object and pass two parameters to the method:

  • the start index of the position of the cell where a new column/row should be added;
  • the direction of its adding: "up" | "down" to add a row, "left" | "right" to add a column.
// adding a new row under the specified row
diagram.cellManager.add(0, "down");

// adding a new column to the left of the specified column
diagram.cellManager.add(0, "left");

Removing a column/row

To remove a set of cells either as a row or column from the swimlane, use the remove() method of the cellManager object. The method takes two parameters:

  • the index of the position from which a column/row should be removed;
  • the type of the item to be removed: "col" | "row"
// removes the first row from the swimlane
diagram.cellManager.remove(0, "row");

// removes the second column from the swimlane
diagram.cellManager.remove(1, "col");

Moving a column/row

It is possible to change the position of a column or row in the swimlane by applying the move() method of the cellManager object. The method allows you to move a column one position right or left, or move a row one position up or down. The method takes two parameters:

  • the index of the current position of the column/row to move
  • the direction of moving the item: "up" | "down" to move a row, "left" | "right" to move a column
// moves the first row one position down
diagram.cellManager.move(0, "down");

// moves the third column one position left
diagram.cellManager.move(2, "left");

Validating cells

You can check whether such actions as adding, removing, or moving cells can be done over the specified cell via the validation() method of the cellManager object:

// checks whether a cell with index 0 can be moved down
diagram.cellManager.validation(0, "down", "move"); // true

Getting the type of the subheader

To return the type of the subheader of a swimlane, use the getSubHeaderType() method of the cellManager object. The method takes the id of a subheader as a parameter:

diagram.cellManager.getSubHeaderType("s1"); // returns "row"

Getting the id of a cell

You can get the id of the first cell of a column/row the cell belongs to. It can be done via the getCellId() method of the cellManager object. The method takes two parameters:

  • the index of the first cell of a row/column;
  • the type of the item: "col" | "row".
// return the id of the first cell of the first row
diagram.cellManager.getCellId(0, "row"); // returns 1

// return the id of the first cell of the third column
diagram.cellManager.getCellId(2, "col"); // returns 3

You can also get the id of a cell the subheader belongs to by using the getSubHeaderCellId() method of the cellManager object. The method takes the id of the subheader of a swimlane as a parameter:

// return the id of the cell the subheader belongs to
diagram.cellManager.getSubHeaderCellId("s2"); // returns 4

Getting the index of a cell

When you need to get the index of a cell of a swimlane, use the getCellIndex() method of the cellManager object. The method takes two parameters:

  • the id of a cell;
  • the type of the item: "col" | "row".

All cells which belong to the same row (or column) will have the same index.

layout: [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
// return the index of the cell with id=2 if the cell belongs to a column
diagram.cellManager.getCellIndex(2, "col"); // returns 1

// return the index of the cell with id=5 if the cell belongs to a column
diagram.cellManager.getCellIndex(8, "col"); // returns 1

// return the index of the cell with id=2 if the cell belongs to a row
diagram.cellManager.getCellIndex(2, "row"); // returns 0

// return the index of the cell with id=5 if the cell belongs to a row
diagram.cellManager.getCellIndex(8, "row"); // returns 2

You can also get the index of a cell the subheader belongs to by using the getSubHeaderCellIndex() method of the cellManager object. The method takes the id of the subheader of a swimlane as a parameter:

// return the index of the cell the subheader belongs to
diagram.cellManager.getSubHeaderCellIndex("s2"); // returns 1