You can configure the Kanban appearance and functionality via the corresponding API. The available parameters will allow you to:
- configure the cards appearance via the
property - configure the editor fields via the
property - configure the editor behaviour via the
property - configure rendering and scrolling via the
properties - configure the Kanban history via the
property - customize the card appearance via the
property- Refer to the Customization section for details!
- apply the desired locale via the
property- Refer to the Localization section for details!
- load data for cards, columns, rows and links via the corresponding
properties- Refer to the Working with data section for details!
The board of Kanban consists of the cards distributed into columns and rows. You can configure the cards appearance using the cardShape
configuration property. There are several predefined fields you can include (or exclude) into the card template, namely:
a card label via the
label: boolean
config -
a card description via the
description: boolean
configtipYou can manage the label and description fields of any card via the corresponding inputs of the Kanban editor. If you activate these fields, the corresponding inputs will be displayed in the editor automatically. To configure these inputs, you can use the text and textarea types.
a card progress via the
progress: boolean
configtipYou can manage the progress field of any card via the corresponding control of the Kanban editor. If you activate this field, the corresponding control will be displayed in the editor automatically. To configure this control, you can use the progress type.
a start date via the
start_date: boolean
config -
a end date via the
end_date: boolean
configtipYou can manage the start date and end date fields of any card via the corresponding controls of the Kanban editor. If you activate these fields, the corresponding controls will be displayed in the editor automatically. To configure these controls, you can use the date type.
a card context menu via the
menu: boolean
config -
a card attachment via the
attached: boolean
configtipYou can attache files to any card via the corresponding field of the Kanban editor. To configure this field, you can use the files type.
a card color via the
color: boolean
configtipYou can manage the top color line of any card via the corresponding control of the Kanban editor. If you activate color, the corresponding control (colorpicker) will be displayed in the editor automatically. To configure this control, you can use the color type.
a card cover (preview image) via the
cover: boolean
config -
a card comment(s) via the
comments: boolean
config -
a card assignment (users) via the
users: { show: boolean, limit: number, showLimit: boolean, values: object }
configtipYou can assign one or several users to any card via the corresponding control of the Kanban editor. To configure the control for assigning a single user, use the combo or select types of editor. To assign multiple users, use the multiselect type.
a card priority via the
priority: { show: boolean, values: object }
configtipYou can manage the priority of any card via the corresponding control of the Kanban editor. If you activate priority, the corresponding control will be displayed in the editor automatically. To configure this control, you can use the combo or select types only.
a custom field via the
headerFields: [ { key: string, label: string, css: string } ]
const users = [ // users data
{ id: 1, label: "John Smith", avatar: "../assets/user.jpg" },
{ id: 2, label: "Aaron Short" }
const cardPriority = [ // card priority data
{ id: 1, color: "#FF5252", label: "high" },
{ id: 2, color: "#FFC975", label: "medium" },
{ id: 3, color: "#0AB169", label: "low" }
const cardShape = { // cards settings
label: true,
description: true,
progress: true,
start_date: true,
end_date: true,
menu: true,
attached: true,
priority: {
show: true,
values: cardPriority
users: {
show: true,
values: users
headerFields: [
key: "sprint",
label: "Custom field",
css: "custom_css_class"
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
// cards data
// cards settings
Unless you specify the card settings via the cardShape
property, the widget will apply a defaultCardShape set of parameters!
The Editor of Kanban consists of the fields for managing the cards data. To configure the editor fields (controls), you can use the editorShape
property. You can use the following types of the editor fields:
- combo, select, and multiselect
- color
- text and textarea
- progress
- files
- date and dataRange
- comments
- links
Combo, Select and Multiselect types
The editor fields of combo, select, and multiselect types can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "combo", // or "select" and "multiselect"
key: "priority", // the "priority" key is used when configuring the "cardShape" property
label: "Priority",
values: [
{ id: 1, label: "high" },
{ id: 2, label: "medium" },
{ id: 3, label: "low" }
// settings of other fields
For the editor field of "multiselect" and "combo" types you can also specify a path to the preview image via the avatar property:
editorShape: [
type: "multiselect", // or "combo"
key: "users", // the "users" key is used when configuring the "cardShape" property
label: "Users",
values: [
id: 1, label: "Alan",
avatar: "preview_image_path_1.png"
id: 2, label: "John",
avatar: "preview_image_path_2.png"
// settings of other fields
Color type
The editor field of color type can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "color",
key: "color", // the "color" key is used when configuring the "cardShape" property
label: "Card color",
values: ["#65D3B3", "#FFC975", "#58C3FE"],
config: {
clear: true,
placeholder: "Select color"
// settings of other fields
Text and Textarea types
The editor fields of text and textarea types can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "text", // or "textarea"
key: "label",
label: "Label",
config: {
placeholder: "Type your tips here",
readonly: false,
focus: true,
disabled: false,
inputStyle: "height: 50px;"
// settings of other fields
Progress type
The editor field of progress type can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "progress",
key: "progress", // the "progress" key is used when configuring the "cardShape" property
label: "Progress",
config: {
min: 10,
max: 90,
step: 5
// settings of other fields
Files type
The editor field of files type can be set in the following way:
Configuring Upload Url as String
const url = "";
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "files",
key: "attached", // the "attached" key is used when configuring the "cardShape" property
label: "Attachment",
uploadURL: url + "/uploads", // specify url as string
config: {
accept: "image/*", // "video/*", "audio/*"
disabled: false,
multiple: true,
folder: false
// settings of other fields
Configuring Upload Url as Function
const url = "";
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
key: "attached",
type: "files",
label: "Files",
uploadURL: rec => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("upload", rec.file);
const config = {
method: "POST",
body: formData,
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token // token or other headers here
return fetch(url + "/uploads", config) // URL here
.then(res => res.json())
data => { =;
return data;
() => ({ id:, status: "error" })
Date and DateRange types
The editor field of date type can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "date",
key: "start_date",
label: "Start date",
format: "%d/%m/%y"
// settings of other fields
The editor field of dateRange type can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "dateRange",
key: {
start: "start_date",
end: "end_date"
label: "Date Range",
format: "%d/%m/%y"
// settings of other fields
Comments type
The editor field of comments type can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "comments",
key: "comments",
label: "Comments",
config: {
dateFormat: "%M %d",
placement: "page", // or "editor"
html: true,
// settings of other fields
Links type
The editor field of links type can be set in the following way:
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editorShape: [
type: "links",
key: "links",
label: "Links",
// settings of other fields
Linking editor fields to card fields
To link the editor field to the corresponding card field, you need to provide special key in the object of editorShape
property (key: "editor_field_key"
). The value of this key needs to be set to true in the cardShape
property (for built-in card fields) or specified in the headerFields array (for custom card fields). You can provide the initial data of any field via this key as well.
// editor settings
const editorShape = [
type: "text",
key: "label",
label: "Label",
config: {
placeholder: "Enter new label here"
type: "textarea",
key: "note",
label: "Note",
config: {
placeholder: "Enter usefull note here"
// cards settings
const cardShape = {
label: true, // a key of built-in field
headerFields: [
key: "note", // a key of custom field
label: "Note"
// cards data
const cards = [
label: "Volvo",
note: "It is the swedish car",
column: "backlog"
label: "Audi",
note: "It is the german car",
column: "backlog"
// create Kanban
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
// other configuration parameters
Unless you specify the editor settings via the editorShape
property, the widget will apply a defaultEditorShape set of parameters. In this case, the default controls and inputs will be displayed in editor only after activating the corresponding fields of cards via the cardShape
Configuring the editor
Using the editor
property, you can configure the editor in the following way:
- enables/disables an autosave mode of the editor via the
property - specify a delay time of autosaving data via the
property (works with the autoSave: true parameter only)
// create Kanban
new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
editor: {
autoSave: true,
debounce: 2000
// other parameters
Toolbar of Kanban consists of the searchbar for searching cards and controls for sorting cards and adding new columns and rows. To display Toolbar, you need to initialize it in a separate container using the kanban.Toolbar() constructor.
// create Kanban
const board = new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
// data
// card settings
// editor settings
new kanban.Toolbar("#toolbar", { api: board.api });
You can manage (hide/show/customize) the Toolbar controls using the items property:
// create Kanban
const board = new kanban.Kanban("#root", {...});
new kanban.Toolbar("#toolbar", {
api: board.api,
items: [
"search", // search bar
"spacer", // empty space
"undo", // control to undo the card operations in the history
"redo", // control to redo the card operations in the history
"sort", // control for sorting cards
"addColumn", // control for adding new columns
"addRow", // control for adding new rows
// custom elements
To hide some of the Toolbar controls, remove the corresponding string(s) from the items array.
In this snippet you can see how to configure the Cards, Editor and Toolbar of Kanban: