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Optional. A theme to be applied to Kanban


theme?: {
name: string, // "material" (default) | "willow" | "willow-dark"
fonts: boolean

Besides using the theme property, you can also apply the needed theme via adding the corresponding css classes to the widget containers:

  • Material theme
    <!-- Kanban toolbar -->
<div id="toolbar" class="wx-material-theme"></div>
<!-- Kanban container -->
<div id="root" class="wx-material-theme"></div>
  • Willow theme
    <!-- Kanban toolbar -->
<div id="toolbar" class="wx-willow-theme"></div>
<!-- Kanban container -->
<div id="root" class="wx-willow-theme"></div>
  • Willow-Dark theme
    <!-- Kanban toolbar -->
<div id="toolbar" class="wx-willow-dark-theme"></div>
<!-- Kanban container -->
<div id="root" class="wx-willow-dark-theme"></div>

or just include the needed theme on the page from the skins folder:

<link type="stylesheet" href="path/to/kanban/skins/willow-dark.css"/>


To configure the theme, you can use the following parameters.

  • theme - (optional) an object with theme settings. Here you can specify the following parameters:
    • name - (required) a theme name to be applied to Kanban
    • fonts - (optional) enables/disables fonts loading from the CDN (wxi font)

You can also apply the Willow and Willow-Dark themes as well. To change the current theme dynamically, you can use the setConfig() method.

Default config

By default, Kanban uses the Material theme.

theme: {
name: "material",
fonts: true


// create Kanban
const board = new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
theme: {
name: "willow-dark", // the "willow-dark" theme will be set initially
fonts: false
// other parameters

Change log: The property was added in v1.4

Related articles: Stylization

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