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Optional. An object of settings for managing the rows appearance


rowShape?: {
menu?: {
show?: boolean,
items?: [
id?: string,
icon?: string,
text?: string,
disabled? boolean,
onClick?: ({ id, item, row }) => void
] | ({ row, rowIndex, rows, store }) => array | boolean
css?: (row, cards) => string


To configure the rows appearance, in the rowShape object you can specify the following parameters:

  • menu - (optional) an object of parameters of the rows context menu. Here you can specify the following parameters:

    • show - (optional) enables/disables a row context menu
    • items - (optional) an array of objects containing parameters of items of the rows context menu. For each item you can specify the following parameters:
      • id - (optional) an ID of the menu item. To implement the built-in actions, you need to specify the following values:

        • "set-edit" - defines the action to edit a row name
        • "move-row:up" - defines the action to move a row up
        • "move-row:down" - defines the action to move a row down
        • "delete-row" - defines the action to delete a row
      • icon - (optional) a class name of icon of the menu item. Here you can specify any icon related to the icon fonts (mdi-delete)

      • text - (optional) a name of the menu item

      • disabled - (optional) a state of the menu item (active or disabled depending on the boolean value)

      • onClick - (optional) a custom callback function, that takes the following arguments:

        • id - an ID of the current menu item
        • item - a data object of the current menu item
        • row - a data object of the target row

    You can also set the items parameter to a custom function, that takes the following arguments:

    • row - a data object of a current row

    • rowIndex - an index of a current row

    • rows - an array of objects containing all rows data

    • store - an object of dataStore

    This function allows customizing menu for any row or hide it for a specific one (by returning null or false):

    items: ({ row, rowIndex, rows, store }) => {
    if(rowIndex == 0)
    return null
    return [
    { id: "set-edit", icon: "wxi-edit", text: "Rename" },
    id: "custom-delete-row",
    icon: "wxi-delete",
    text: "Remove row",
    id: "custom-move-row:up",
    icon: "wxi-arrow-up",
    text: "Move up",
  • css - a function returns a css class that applies to rows conditionally

Default config

const getDefaultRowMenuItems = ({ row, rowIndex, rows, store }) => [
{ id: "set-edit", icon: "wxi-edit", text: "Rename" },
id: "move-row:up",
icon: "wxi-arrow-up",
text: "Move up",
disabled: rowIndex <= 0
id: "move-row:down",
icon: "wxi-arrow-down",
text: "Move down",
disabled: rowIndex >= rows.length - 1
{ id: "delete-row", icon: "wxi-delete", text: "Delete" }
const rowShape = {
menu: {
show: true,
items: getDefaultRowMenuItems


const changeRowColor = (row, cssClass) => board.updateRow({ 
row: {
css: cssClass,
collapsed: false
replace: false

const rowShape = {
menu: {
show: true,
items: ({ row, rowIndex, rows, store }) => {
if (rowIndex == 0)
return false
return [
id: "color",
text: "Color",
items: [
text: "Gray",
onClick: ({ id, item, row }) => changeRowColor(row, "gray")
text: "Yellow",
onClick: ({ id, item, row }) => changeRowColor(row, "yellow")
text: "Red",
onClick: ({ id, item, row }) => changeRowColor(row, "red")
css: (row, cards) => == "task" && cards.length < 3 ? "green" : "red"

new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
// other parameters

Change log:

  • The css parameter was added in v1.4
  • The menu.items[0].label parameter was replaced by the menu.items[0].text parameter in v1.4

Related articles: Configuration

Related sample: Kanban. Changing color of rows via custom menu