Exploring Supported Data Formats

dhtmlxGantt can load data in the following formats:

  1. JSON;
  2. XML (dhtmlxGantt 2.0+).
  3. JSON with Collections
  4. XML (dhtmlxGantt < 2.0)

You can also add any custom properties to the Gantt data.


Tasks and links

        {"id":"1", "text":"Project #2", "start_date":"01-04-2020", "duration":18,
            "progress":0.4, "open": true},
        {"id":"2", "text":"Task #1", "start_date":"02-04-2020", "duration":8,
            "progress":0.6, "parent":"1"},
        {"id":"3", "text":"Task #2", "start_date":"11-04-2020", "duration":8,
            "progress":0.6, "parent":"1"}
        {"id":"1", "source":"1", "target":"2", "type":"1"},
        {"id":"2", "source":"2", "target":"3", "type":"0"},
        {"id":"3", "source":"3", "target":"4", "type":"0"},
        {"id":"4", "source":"2", "target":"5", "type":"2"}

Tasks with resources and resource assignments

    tasks: [
            id: 5,
            text: "Interior office",
            type: "task",
            start_date: "03-04-2024 00:00",
            duration: 7,
            parent: "2",
            owner: [
                    resource_id: "6",
                    value: 3,
                    start_date: "03-04-2024 00:00",
                    end_date: "05-04-2024 00:00",
    links: [],
    resources: [
        {id: 6, text: "John", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 7, text: "Mike", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 8, text: "Anna", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 9, text: "Bill", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 10, text: "Floe", unit: "hours/day" }

Resource assignments can be passed into the method separately from tasks:

    tasks: [
            id: 5,
            text: "Interior office",
            type: "task",
            start_date: "03-04-2024 00:00",
            duration: 7,
            parent: "2",
            priority: 1
    links: [],
    assignments: [
            id: 1, task_id: 5, resource_id: 6, value: 3,
            start_date: "03-04-2024 00:00", 
            end_date: "05-04-2024 00:00"
    resources: [
        {id: 6, text: "John", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 7, text: "Mike", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 8, text: "Anna", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 9, text: "Bill", unit: "hours/day" },
        {id: 10, text: "Floe", unit: "hours/day" }

XML (dhtmlxGantt 2.0+)

    <task id='1' parent='' start_date='01-04-2020' duration='18' open='true'
            progress='0.4' end_date='19-04-2020'>
        <![CDATA[Project #2]]>
    <task id='2' parent='1' start_date='02-04-2020' duration='8' progress='0.6'
        <![CDATA[Task #1]]>
    <task id='3' parent='1' start_date='11-04-2020' duration='8' progress='0.6'
        <![CDATA[Task #2]]>
    <coll_options for='links'>
        <item id='1' source='1' target='2' type='1' />
        <item id='2' source='2' target='3' type='0' />
        <item id='3' source='3' target='4' type='0' />
        <item id='4' source='2' target='5' type='2' />

Custom Properties in Data

Let's consider the above examples with 2 custom properties:

  • priority - the priority of the task.
  • holder - the name of the person assigned to the task.


        {"id":"1", "text":"Project #2", "start_date":"01-04-2020", "duration":18,
            "progress":0.4, "open": true, "holder":"Mike", "priority":"High"},
        {"id":"2", "text":"Task #1", "start_date":"02-04-2020", "duration":8,
            "progress":0.6, "parent":1, "holder":"John", "priority":"Medium"},
        {"id":"3", "text":"Task #2", "start_date":"11-04-2020", "duration":8,
            "progress":0.6, "parent":1, "holder":"Alex", "priority":"Low"}
        {"id":"1", "source":"1", "target":"2", "type":"1"},
        {"id":"2", "source":"2", "target":"3", "type":"0"},
        {"id":"3", "source":"3", "target":"4", "type":"0"},
        {"id":"4", "source":"2", "target":"5", "type":"2"}

XML (dhtmlxGantt 2.0+)

    <task id='1' parent='' start_date='01-04-2020' duration='18' open='true'
            progress='0.4' end_date='19-04-2020''>
        <![CDATA[Project #2]]>
    <task id='2' parent='1' start_date='02-04-2020' duration='8' progress='0.6'
        <![CDATA[Task #1]]>
    <task id='3' parent='1' start_date='11-04-2020' duration='8' progress='0.6'
        <![CDATA[Task #2]]>
    <coll_options for='links'>
        <item id='1' source='1' target='2' type='1' />
        <item id='2' source='2' target='3' type='0' />
        <item id='3' source='3' target='4' type='0' />
        <item id='4' source='2' target='5' type='2' />

JSON with Collections

JSON data can contain any number of additional arrays in the "collections" property of the data object.

        {"id":"1", "text":"Project #2", "start_date":"01-04-2020", "duration":18,
            "progress":0.4, "open": true},
        {"id":"2", "text":"Task #1", "start_date":"02-04-2020", "duration":8,
            "progress":0.6, "parent":"1"},
        {"id":"3", "text":"Task #2", "start_date":"11-04-2020", "duration":8,
            "progress":0.6, "parent":"1"}
        {"id":"1", "source":"1", "target":"2", "type":"1"},
        {"id":"2", "source":"2", "target":"3", "type":"0"},
        {"id":"3", "source":"3", "target":"4", "type":"0"},
        {"id":"4", "source":"2", "target":"5", "type":"2"}
    "collections": {         "sections":[                                        {"value":"1","label":"Simple"},                 {"value":"2","label":"Complex"},                {"value":"3","label":"Unknown"}             ]                                           }                                           }

The applied collections can be accessed by their names with the help of the gantt.serverList method.

XML (dhtmlxGantt < 2.0)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project id="1" name="project1" startdate="2006,12,14">
     <task id="1">
    <name>project1 task1</name>
                  <task id="2">
                    <name>project1 task2</name>
                  <task id="6">
                    <name>project1 task6</name>
  <project id="2" name="project2" startdate="2006,12,20">
     <task id="12">
    <name>project2 task12</name>
            <task id="14">
            <name>project2 task14</name>
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