Export and Import from Primavera P6

Export to Primavera P6

The Gantt component allows exporting links, tasks and resources into Primavera P6.

To export data from the Gantt chart to Primavera P6, do the following:

  • To use the online export service, enable the export_api plugin via the plugins method:
    export_api: true

If you use the Gantt version older than 8.0, you need to include the https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api.js on your page to enable the online export service, e.g.:

<script src="codebase/dhtmlxgantt.js"></script>
<script src="https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api.js"></script>


The method will send a request to the remote service, which will either output an XML Project file or return an url to download a generated file.

Related sample:  Export data : MS Project, PrimaveraP6, Excel & iCal


The response will contain a JSON of the following structure:

    data: {},
    config: {},
    resources: [],
    worktime: {}
  • data - a gantt data object. Each task has the following properties: id, open, parent, progress, start_date, text, resource. Dates are stringified in the "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i" format.
  • config - a gantt configuration object with settings retrieved from the project file.
  • resources - an array of objects (each having the following properties: {id: string, name:string, type:string}) that represent the list of resources from the project file.
  • worktime - an object containing the working time settings from the project calendar.

Export settings

The exportToPrimaveraP6() method takes as a parameter an object with a number of properties (all of the properties are optional):

  • name - (string) the name of the obtained file ('gantt.xml' by default).
  • auto_scheduling - (boolean) indicates scheduling mode for tasks in the exported project. true will mark tasks as auto scheduled, false will mark tasks as manually scheduled (the default state).
    auto_scheduling: false
  • skip_circular_links - (boolean) indicates whether the circular links will be removed or not (true - will be removed (the default mode), false - will not be removed).
    skip_circular_links: false
  • project - (object) allows setting custom properties to the exported project entity
    project: {
        'Author': 'I am!',
        'MinutesPerDay': function () {
            return gantt.config.hours_per_day * 60;

The properties of this object correspond to the appropriate properties of the Project entity. The list of supported properties can be found here. The properties may contain either fixed values or functions that will be executed when export is called.

  • tasks - (object) allows setting custom properties to the exported task items
   tasks: {
        'StartVariance': function (task) {
           if (task.startVariance)
               return task.startVariance;
               return 0;
        'PercentWorkComplete': function (task) {
           return (task.progress + 0.1);
        'Custom': function (task) {
           return 'Custom value';
        'Custom 2': 'My Custom value'

The properties of this object correspond to the appropriate properties of the Task entity, here is a list of supported properties. The properties may contain either fixed values or functions that will be called for each task in the dataset when export is called.

  • data - (object) allows setting a custom data source that will be presented in the output Gantt chart.

It is expected that the start_date and end_date properties will be specified in the format which includes both the date and time (%d-%m-%Y %H:%i).

const customData = {
    "data": [
        { "id": "10", "text": "Project #5", "start_date": "01-04-2025 00:00", 
            "duration": 3, "order": 10, "progress": 0.4, "open": true, 
            "end_date": "04-04-2025 00:00", "parent": 0 
        { "id": "1", "text": "Task #67", "start_date": "02-04-2025 00:00", 
            "duration": 2, "order": 10, "progress": 0.6, "parent": "10", 
            "end_date": "04-04-2025 00:00" 
        { "id": "2", "text": "Task #89", "start_date": "01-04-2025 00:00", 
            "duration": 2, "order": 20, "progress": 0.6, "parent": "10", 
            "end_date": "03-04-2025 00:00" 
    "links": [
        { "id": 1, "source": 1, "target": 2, "type": "1" },
    data: customData

Related sample:  Gantt. Export custom data

  • callback - (function) If you want to receive an url to download a generated XML, the callback property can be used. It receives a JSON object with the url property:
    callback: function(res){
  • resources - (array) allows exporting the list of resources into an Primavera P6 file
    resources: [

Possible resource types are "work", "cost", "material". Resource assignments are specified using the ResourceAssignments property of the tasks configuration:

var users = [// resources
    {key:'0', label: "N/A"},
    {key:'1', label: "John"},
    {key:'2', label: "Mike"},
    {key:'3', label: "Anna"}
    resources: users
            if(u.key === '0')//skip the default option 
                return false;
            return true;
            return {
                id: u.key,
                name: u.label,
                type: "work"
    tasks: {
        ResourceAssignments: function(task){              return task.user;                          }                                          }

The ResourceAssignments property is set as a function that takes the task object as a parameter and returns either a string/number value or an array of string/number values:

tasks: {
    ResourceAssignments: function(task){
        return [task.user, task.office];

Related sample:  Export Gantt with resources to Primavera P6

  • server - (string) the API endpoint for the request. Can be used with the local install of the export service. The default value is https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt.

Import from Primavera P6

In order to convert an XML or XER file, you need to send the following request to the export service:

  • Request URL - https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt
  • Request Method - POST
  • Content-Type - multipart/form-data

The request parameters are:

  • file - an XER or XML Primavera P6 file
  • type - "primaveraP6-parse"
  • data - (optional) a JSON string with settings

For example:

<form action="https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt" method="POST" 
    <input type="file" name="file" />
    <input type="hidden" name="type" value="primaveraP6-parse">
    <button type="submit">Get</button>

Alternatively, you can use the client-side API, like this:

    data: file,
    taskProperties: ["Notes", "Name"],
    callback: function (project) {
        if (project) {
            if (project.config.duration_unit) {
                gantt.config.duration_unit = project.config.duration_unit;

Related sample:  Import Primavera P6 file

Where file is an instance of File which should contain either an XML or XER Project file.

gantt.importFromPrimaveraP6 requires HTML5 File API support.


The response will contain a JSON of the following structure:

    data: {},
    config: {},
    resources: [],
    worktime: {}
  • data - a gantt data object. Each task has the following properties: id, open, parent, progress, start_date, text, resource. Dates are stringified in the "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i" format.
  • config - a gantt configuration object with settings retrieved from the project file.
  • resources - an array of objects (each having the following properties: {id:string, name:string, type:string} that represent the list of resources from the project file.
  • worktime - an object containing the working time settings from the project calendar.

Import settings

Setting the duration unit

To set an expected duration unit, the durationUnit ("minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year") string can also be sent to the server.

<form action="https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt" method="POST" 
    <input type="file" name="file" />
    <input type="hidden" name="type" value="primaveraP6-parse">
    <input type="hidden" name="data" 
        value="{ \"durationUnit\": \"hour\" }" />
    <button type="submit">Get</button>


    data: file,
    durationUnit: "hour",
    callback: function(project){}

Getting properties of the Project

To get project fields, the projectProperties input with an array of necessary fields can be sent to the server. It extracts arbitrary properties of the Project entity into the config property of the output. Here is the list of supported properties.

  • projectProperties - specifies an array of project properties that should be put into the response.
<form action="https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt" method="POST" 
    <input type="file" name="file" />
    <input type="hidden" name="type" value="primaveraP6-parse">
    <input type="hidden" name="data" 
        value="{ \"projectProperties\": [\"Author\", \"Title\"] }" />
    <button type="submit">Get</button>


    data: file,
    durationUnit: "hour",
    projectProperties: ["Author", "Title"],
    callback: function(project){
        var config = project.config;

Getting tasks properties

To get task fields, the taskProperties input with an array of necessary fields can be sent to the server. It extracts arbitrary properties of the Task entities. Here is the list of supported properties:

  • taskProperties - specify an array of additional task properties to be imported.
<form action="https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt" method="POST" 
    <input type="file" name="file" />
    <input type="hidden" name="type" value="primaveraP6-parse">
    <input type="hidden" name="data" 
        value="{ \"taskProperties\": [\"Contact\", \"Priority\"] }" />
    <button type="submit">Get</button>


    data: file,
    durationUnit: "hour",
    taskProperties: ["Contact", "Priority"],
    callback: function(project){
        var config = project.config;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskLoading", function(task) {
    if (task.$custom_data) {
        task.contact = task.$custom_data["Contact"];
        task.priority = task.$custom_data["priority"];
        delete task.$custom_data;
    return true;

Getting task types

The following logic allows you to obtain the task type: the tasks with the Project type have the Summary: "1" property, and the tasks with the Milestone type have the Milestone: "1" property. We need to import the data with these properties and then set the task type depending on these properties.

The call of the import function will look like this:

    data: file,
    taskProperties: [
    callback: function (project) {
        if (project) {
            if (project.config.duration_unit) {
                gantt.config.duration_unit = project.config.duration_unit;
            console.log('import: ', project.data);

After that you can convert the types of tasks based on the received properties as follows:

gantt.attachEvent("onTaskLoading", function (task) {
    if (task.$custom_data) {
        if (task.$custom_data.Summary == "1") {
            task.type = "project";
        if (task.$custom_data.Milestone == "1") {
            task.type = "milestone";
        // delete task.$custom_data;
    return true;

Related sample:  Gantt. Import Primavera P6 files. Get task type from properties

Limits on request size and import of large files

There are two API endpoints for the Primavera P6 export/import services:

  • https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt - the default endpoint which serves all export methods (exportToPDF, exportToPNG, exportToPrimaveraP6, etc.). Max request size is 10 MB.
  • https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt/project - the endpoint dedicated to Primavera P6 services (exportToPrimaveraP6/importFromPrimaveraP6 only). Max request size: 40 MB.

The endpoint can be specified by the server property of the export configuration object:

    data: file,
    callback: function(project){
       // some logic

If no endpoint is specified, https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt is used by default. The following call is equivalent to the one above:

    data: file,
    callback: function(project){
       // some logic

In order to export or import large projects that exceed the 4MB limit, the second endpoint can be used:

    data: file,
    callback: function(project){
       // some logic

It allows sending requests up to 40MB in size and supports Primavera P6 exports and imports. It can be used for Primavera P6 exports only.

Any other methods, for example, gantt.exportToPDF({server:"https://export.dhtmlx.com/gantt/project"}) should return a server error.

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