Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Step 7. Handle the Grid's Events DHTMLX Docs

Step 7. Handle the Grid's Events

On our last step we will learn how to set a custom reaction on any user's action in the grid, e.g. when a user clicks on a row in the grid.

We will provide the following behaviour: once the user selects a row, an alert box appears and shows the id of the selected row. We will use for this the onRowSelect that fires each time the user selects a row in the grid.

To add a handler function to the 'onRowSelect' event:
  1. Call the attachEvent() method to attach a handler function to the onRowSelect event:

    "index.html" file

    mygrid.attachEvent("onRowSelect",function(rowID,celInd){    alert("The id of the selected row is "+rowID);});
  2. The onRowSelect event passes 2 parameters to the handler function: the id of the selected row and the index of the clicked cell.
    The attachEvent() method is a common way to set a handler function for all events of dhtmlxGrid

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