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groups data in a collection that has a plain tree-like structure according to the specified order and additional configuration


Data grouping isn't intended for working with lazyDataProxy


Grouped data can be serialized. After serialization data is available for rendering and editing as a plain tree-like structure


type TGroupOrderFunc = (item: IDataItem) => string;
type TAggregate = "sum" | "count" | "min" | "max" | "avg" | string;
interface IGroupOrder {
by: string | TGroupOrderFunc;
map?: {
[field: string]: [string, TAggregate] | ((item: IDataItem[]) => string | number)
summary?: "top" | "bottom";
type TGroupOrder = string | TGroupOrderFunc | IGroupOrder;
interface IGroupConfig {
showMissed?: boolean | string; // true by default
field?: string; // "group" by default

group(order: TGroupOrder[], config?: IGroupConfig): void;


  • order - an array that defines the order and configuration for data grouping. Each element in the array can be:
    • a string that represents a grouping field
    • a function (i: IDataItem) => string for dynamic defining of a group
    • an IGroupOrder object that has the following properties:
      • by - the field name or a function for user-defined grouping
      • map - (optional) an object for data aggregation in a group, where the keys are field names, and the values can be:
        • a tuple [string, TAggregate] that specifies the field and the aggregation type ("sum", "count", "min", "max", "avg") from the dhx.methods helper
        • a user-defined aggregation function (i: IDataItem[]) => string | number
      • summary - (optional) specifies where the total row is rendered - at the top or at the bottom of the group
  • config - (optional) the configuration of data grouping
    • showMissed - (optional) specifies whether the elements that don't have the field for grouping should be displayed, true by default
      • if set to true, the rows that don't have values for grouping are rendered row by row after all the data
      • if a string value is set, e.g. "Missed", the rows that don't have values for grouping are rendered as a separate group the name of which will have the specified string value. This group will be rendered as the last one
      • if set to false, the rows that don't suit the grouping criteria won't be rendered
    • field - (optional) the group field name, "group" by default


  • simple grouping with the use of a callback function and a string field value
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
{ id: "salary", header: [{ text: "Salary" }] },
{ id: "experience", header: [{ text: "Experience (years)" }] },
{ id: "city", header: [{ text: "City" }] }
group: true,
groupable: true,
data: dataset
function(row) {
if (row.salary < 30000) return "Low income";
if (row.salary >= 30000 && row.salary < 70000) return "Medium income";
return "High income";
  • grouping with the use of a configuration object and aggregation settings
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
{ id: "department", header: [{ text: "Department" }] },
{ id: "employees", header: [{ text: "Number of Employees" }] },
{ id: "location", header: [{ text: "Location" }] }
group: true,
groupable: true,
data: dataset
by: "department", // grouping by the `department` field
map: {
employees: ["employees", "sum"], // aggregation: sums up the number of employees
location: (rows) => {
// a custom function for calculating unique locations
const uniqueLocations = [ Set( => r.location))];
return uniqueLocations.join(", ");
summary: "top" // the total row is rendered at the top of the group
  • grouping with the use of the showMissed property
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
{ id: "name", header: [{ text: "Name" }] },
{ id: "age", header: [{ text: "Age" }] },
{ id: "city", header: [{ text: "City" }] }
group: true,
groupable: true,
data: dataset
});["city"], {
// the group elements that don't have the "city" value
// will be rendered in the "Unknown City" group
showMissed: "Unknown City"

Change log:

added in v9.0