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Work with rows and columns

DHTMLX Spreadsheet allows adding and removing columns and rows into a sheet via both toolbar buttons and options of the context menu.

Adding rows

To add a new row, take the following steps:

1. Select a row by clicking on its header.

2. Choose one of the two actions:

  • click the Add row button in the toolbar

Adding rows

  • or right-click the row and choose Rows -> Add row

Adding rows


Note that a new row will be added above the selected one.

Removing rows

To remove a row, take the following steps:

1. Select a row by clicking on its header.

2. Choose one of the two actions:

  • click the Remove row button in the toolbar

Removing rows

  • or right-click the row and choose Rows -> Remove row

Removing rows

Adding columns

To add a new column, take the following steps:

1. Select a column by clicking on its header.

2. Choose one of the two actions:

  • click the Add column button in the toolbar

Adding columns

  • or right-click the column and choose Columns -> Add column

Adding columns


Note that a new column will be added to the left of the selected one.

Removing columns

To remove a column, take the following steps:

1. Select a column by clicking on its header.

2. Choose one of the two actions:

  • click the Remove column button in the toolbar

Adding columns

  • or right-click the column and choose Columns -> Remove column

Adding columns

AutoFit column width

To change the column width so that it would automatically fit the longest content in the column, you can:

  • double-click the resize cursor of a column in the table header

Autofit column width

  • or take the following steps:

1. Left-click on a 3 dots icon of the column

Column context menu

2. Choose Columns -> Fit to data

Autofit column width