Full List of CDN Links

The given article presents the full set of links for including the Gantt functionality from CDN. Each section corresponds to a particular Gantt version:

  • Core files - dhtmlxgantt.js and dthmlxgantt.css files containing main functionality
  • Skins - links for including all the available skins

Latest Gantt version

To set path to the sources of the latest version of the library, specify the link as https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/gantt/edge/...

Core files: JS, CSS

Skins: Terrace, Meadow, Skyblue, Broadway, Contrast Black, Contrast White, Material.

Latest Gantt version, Uncompressed

To set path to the uncompressed sources of the latest version of the library, specify the link as https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/gantt/edge/sources/...

Core files: JS, CSS

Skins: Terrace, Meadow, Skyblue, Broadway, Contrast Black, Contrast White, Material.

Particular Gantt version

To set path to the sources of a certain version of the library, specify the link as https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/gantt/[version_number]/....

Core files: JS, CSS

Skins: Terrace, Meadow, Skyblue, Broadway, Contrast Black, Contrast White, Material.

Particular Gantt version, Uncompressed

To set path to the uncompressed sources of a certain version of the library, specify the link as https://cdn.dhtmlx.com/gantt/[version_number]/sources/....

Core files: JS, CSS

Skins: Terrace, Meadow, Skyblue, Broadway, Contrast Black, Contrast White, Material.

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