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Localizing dhtmlxVault

This documentation is for Vault v2.5. Please go to to see documentation for the current version of dhtmlxVault.

Localization allows you to present the interface of the file uploader in the language you'd like: English, Spanish, French, etc.
By default, dhtmlxVault provides support for the English locale.

Default english locale

The dhtmlxVault's labels are stored in the strings collection that looks as in:

// dhtmlxvault.js
dhtmlXVaultObject.prototype.strings = {
    // labels
    done:           "Done",
    error:          "Error",
    size_exceeded:  "Filesize exceeded (max #size#)",
    // buttons
    btnAdd:         "Add files",
    btnUpload:      "Upload",
    btnClean:       "Clear all",
    btnCancel:      "Cancel"
// ext/dhtmlxvault_dnd.js
// drag-&-drop message while the user is dragging files
dhtmlXVaultObject.prototype.strings.dnd = "Drop files here";

An explanation for the size_exceeded param:
in the string size_exceeded the #size# template will be replaced by readableSize of the current value of MaxFileSize.

Let's assume that the string size_exceeded is set as "Filesize exceeded (max #size#)". If a user sets limit to 1234567, for example, by using myVault.setMaxFileSize(1234567), the notice will look like "Filesize exceeded (max 1.18 Mb)".

Setting a custom locale

To implement vault in non-english language, redefine the strings collection.
You can do it in 2 ways:

1) To call the setStrings method and redefine labels just for a single dhtmlxVault instance (call after init):

var myVault = new dhtmlXVaultObject({...});
    done:           "Fertig",
    error:          "Fehler",
    size_exceeded:  "Dateigröße überschritten (max #size#)",
    btnAdd:         "Dateien hinzufügen",
    btnUpload:      "Hochladen",
    btnClean:       "Alle löschen",
    btnCancel:      "Stornieren",
    dnd:            "Drop Dateien hier"

2) To use the strings property and redefine labels for all instances of dhtmlxVault (call before init)

dhtmlXVaultObject.prototype.strings = {
    done:           "Fertig",
    error:          "Fehler",
    size_exceeded:  "Dateigröße überschritten (max #size#)",
    btnAdd:         "Dateien hinzufügen",
    btnUpload:      "Hochladen",
    btnClean:       "Alle löschen",
    btnCancel:      "Stornieren"
    dnd:            "Drop Dateien hier"
var myVault = new dhtmlXVaultObject({...});
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