
Promise Promise object constructor
addCalendar adds a calendar into Gantt
addLink adds a new dependency link
addLinkLayer displays an additional layer with custom elements for a link in the timeline area
addMarker adds a marker to the timeline area
addShortcut adds a new keyboard shortcut
addTask adds a new task
addTaskLayer displays an additional layer with custom elements for a task in the timeline area
alert calls an alert message box
assert if the specified expression is false, an errorMessage is shown in the red popup at the top right corner of the screen
attachEvent attaches the handler to an inner event of dhtmlxGantt
autoSchedule recalculates the schedule of the project
batchUpdate updates multiple tasks/links at once
bind creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value
calculateDuration calculates the duration of a task
calculateEndDate calculates the end date of a task
calculateTaskLevel calculates the level of nesting of a task
callEvent calls an inner event
changeLightboxType repaints the lighbox for the task according to its type
changeLinkId changes the link's id
changeTaskId changes the task's id
checkEvent checks whether an event has some handler(s) specified
clearAll removes all tasks and additional elements (including markers) from the Gantt chart
clearRedoStack clears the stack of stored redo commands
clearUndoStack clears the stack of stored undo commands
close closes the branch with the specified id
collapse collapses gantt from the full screen mode to the normal mode
columnIndexByDate returns the index of the column by the date
confirm calls a confirm message box
copy creates a deep copy of provided object
correctTaskWorkTime recalculates the task duration in the work time
createCalendar creates a working calendar
createDataProcessor creates a new dataProcessor instance and attaches it to gantt
createDatastore creates a datastore according to the provided configuration
createTask adds a new task and opens the lightbox to confirm
dataProcessor dataProcessor constructor
dateFromPos gets the date of the specified horizontal position in the chart area
defined returns false if the provided argument is undefined, otherwise true
deleteCalendar deletes a task calendar by its id
deleteLink deletes the specified dependency link
deleteMarker deletes the specified marker
deleteTask deletes the specified task
destructor destroys the gantt instance
detachAllEvents detaches all events from dhtmlxGantt (both custom and inner ones)
detachEvent detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent() method)
eachParent iterates over all parent tasks of the specified task in the Gantt chart
eachSelectedTask iterates over all selected tasks in the Gantt chart
eachTask iterates over all child tasks of a specific task or the of whole Gantt chart
event attaches an event handler to an HTML element
eventRemove removes an event handler from an HTML element
expand expands gantt to the full screen mode
exportToExcel exports data from the Gantt chart to an Excel document
exportToICal exports data from the Gantt chart to an iCal string
exportToJSON exports the structure and data of a Gantt chart into a JSON object
exportToMSProject exports data from the Gantt chart to MS Project
exportToPDF exports a Gantt chart into the PDF format
exportToPNG exports a Gantt chart into the PNG format
exportToPrimaveraP6 exports data from the Gantt chart to Primavera P6
findCycles returns all dependency loops in the chart
focus sets focus on the gantt
getCalendar gets worktime calendar by id
getCalendars gets all the calendars added into Gantt
getChildren returns the 1st-level child tasks of the specified parent branch
getClosestWorkTime returns the closest working time
getColumnIndex returns the index of the column by its name
getConnectedGroup returns all tasks and links that a task is connected with
getConstraintLimitations returns the earliest and latest dates allowed by the constraint applied to a task
getConstraintType returns the constraint type applied to the task
getDatastore returns the configuration object of a datastore
getFreeSlack returns the free slack of a task
getGlobalTaskIndex gets the index of a task in the tree
getGridColumn gets the configuration object of a column
getGridColumns gets columns of the Gantt chart
getLabel gets the label of a select control in the lightbox
getLastSelectedTask returns the id of the last selected task
getLayoutView returns the object of the layout view by its name
getLightbox gets the lightbox's HTML object element
getLightboxSection returns the object of the lightbox's section
getLightboxType returns the name of the active lighbox's structure
getLightboxValues returns values of the lightbox's sections
getLink returns the dependency link object by the specified id
getLinkCount returns the number of all dependency links presented in the Gantt chart
getLinkNode returns the HTML element of the specified dependency link
getLinks returns all links presented in the Gantt chart
getMarker gets the marker's object
getNext returns the id of the next item (no matter what the level of nesting is: the same or different)
getNextSibling returns the id of the next task of the same level
getParent returns the id of the parent task
getPrev returns the id of the previous item (no matter what the level of nesting is: the same or different)
getPrevSibling returns the id of the previous task of the same level
getRedoStack returns the stack of stored redo user actions
getResourceAssignments returns all tasks assigned to the resource
getResourceCalendar returns a calendar which the resource is assigned to
getScale returns the configuration of the time scale
getScrollState returns the scroll position
getSelectedId returns the id of the selected task
getSelectedTasks returns an array of the currently selected tasks
getShortcutHandler gets a key navigation shortcut handler
getSiblings returns siblings of the specified task (including itself)
getSlack checks how much time (in the current duration unit) a task has before it starts to affect other tasks
getState gets the current state of the Gantt chart
getSubtaskDates calculates the combined start/end dates of tasks nested in a project or another task
getSubtaskDuration calculates the combined duration of tasks nested in a project or another task.
getTask returns the task object
getTaskAssignments returns the parsed resource assignments of a specific task from the datastore
getTaskBarHeight returns the height (in pixels) of the DOM element of the task
getTaskBy finds a task by the specified criteria
getTaskByIndex returns a task by its global task index
getTaskByTime returns a collection of tasks which occur during the specified period
getTaskByWBSCode returns a task by its WBS code
getTaskCalendar gets a calendar assigned to the specified task (a task level calendar)
getTaskCount gets the number of tasks that are currently loaded in the gantt
getTaskHeight returns the visible height of a task
getTaskIndex gets the index of a task in the branch
getTaskNode returns the HTML element of the task bar
getTaskPosition calculates the position and size of the task's DOM element in the timeline area
getTaskRowNode returns the HTML element of the task row in the table
getTaskTop gets the top position of the task's DOM element in the timeline area
getTaskType returns the type of a task
getTotalSlack returns the total slack of a task
getUndoStack returns the stack of stored undo user actions
getVisibleTaskCount gets the number of tasks visible on the screen (those that are not collapsed)
getWBSCode returns the WBS code (the outline number) of a task
getWorkHours returns the working hours of the specified date
groupBy groups tasks by the specified task's attribute
hasChild returns the number of child task(s)
hideCover hides the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen
hideLightbox closes the lightbox if it's currently active
hideQuickInfo hides the pop-up task form (if it's currently active)
importFromExcel converts an Excel file to JSON
importFromMSProject converts an XML or MPP MS Project file to JSON
importFromPrimaveraP6 converts an XML or XER Primavera P6 file to JSON
init initializes a dhtmlxGantt inside a container
isChildOf checks whether a task is a child of a different task
isCircularLink checks whether the link is circular
isCriticalLink checks whether the specified link is critical
isCriticalTask checks whether the specified task is critical
isLinkAllowed checks whether the specified link is correct
isLinkExists checks whether the specified link exists
isReadonly checks whether the specified task/link, or the whole Gantt is read-only
isSelectedTask checks whether the specified task is currently selected
isSplitTask checks whether the specified task is split
isSummaryTask checks whether the specified task is summary
isTaskExists checks whether the specified task exists
isTaskVisible checks whether the specifies task is currently rendered in the Gantt chart
isUnscheduledTask checks if the task is unscheduled
isWorkTime checks whether the specified date is working or not
load loads data to the gantt from an external data source
locate gets the id of a task from the specified HTML event
mergeCalendars merges several working calendars into one
message calls a message box of the specified type
mixin adds properties of the 'source' object into the 'target' object
modalbox calls a modalbox
moveTask moves a task to a new position
open opens the branch with the specified id
parse loads data from a client-side resource
plugins activates specified extensions
posFromDate gets the relative horizontal position of the specified date in the chart area
redo applies the reverted changes to the gantt once again
refreshData refreshes data in the Gantt chart
refreshLink refreshes the specifies link
refreshTask refreshes the task and its related links
removeLinkLayer removes the specified layer related to a link
removeShortcut removes a keyboard shortcut
removeTaskLayer removes the specified layer related to a task
render renders the whole Gantt chart
renderMarkers updates all markers on the page
resetLayout rebuilds the Gantt layout using the current value of the layout config
resetLightbox removes the current lightbox's HTML object element
resetProjectDates re-calculates the duration of a project task depending on the dates of its children
resetSkin re-calculates the skin's settings from the related attached skin CSS file
resizeLightbox forces the lightbox to resize
roundDate rounds the specified date to the nearest date in the time scale
roundTaskDates rounds the start and end task's dates to the nearest dates in the time scale
scrollLayoutCell scrolls the layout view to the specified position
scrollTo scrolls the Gantt container to the specified position
selectTask selects the specified task
serialize serializes the data into JSON or XML format
serverList returns a list of options
setParent set the parent for a task
setSizes resizes the Gantt chart
setWorkTime sets the working time for the Gantt chart
showCover shows the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen
showDate scrolls the chart area to makes the specified date visible
showLightbox opens the lightbox for the specified task
showQuickInfo displays the pop-up task form for the specified task
showTask makes the specified task visible on the screen
silent makes all code inside it not to trigger internal events or server-side calls
sort sorts tasks in the grid
toggleTaskSelection selects the specified task if it was unselected and vice versa
uid returns a unique id
undo reverts the changes made in the gantt
unselectTask removes selection from the selected task
unsetWorkTime unsets a working time in the Gantt Chart
updateCollection updates the specified collection with new options
updateLink updates the specified dependency link
updateMarker updates the specified marker
updateTask updates the specified task
updateTaskAssignments updates the resource property of the task object with the values of the resource assignments from the datastore
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