
detaches all events from dhtmlxGantt (both custom and inner ones)

void detachAllEvents();


The method is deprecated.


gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", function(id, e) {
    alert("You've just clicked an item with id="+id);
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDblClick", function(id, e) {
    alert("You've just double clicked an item with id="+id);


Note, using the detachAllEvents method can break the functionality of dhtmlxGantt, as it removes ALL event handlers at a time: those defined by a custom logic and those defined by dhtmlxGantt itself (to link different parts and functionality).

A safer approach is to store the result of the attachEvent method and to use the detachEvent method to detach saved events when necessary, as shown in the example above.

The detachAllEvents method is deprecated. Instead of it, you can use:

// save handler ids when attaching events
var events = [];
events.push(gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", function(id, e) {
    alert("You've just clicked an item with id="+id);
events.push(gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDblClick", function(id, e) {
    alert("You've just double clicked an item with id="+id);
// detach all saved events
while (events.length)
See also
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