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dhtmlxTemplate is a component that allows using templates instead of fixed values. You may use string, date or number templates or create your own one.

dhtmlxTemplate presents a set of rules in some text. Various sets of values can be applied to this text. As a result, you get any number of the same texts that will differ by some dynamic parts. These parts will contain values processed according to the predefined rules.

Template format


keykey from json object, its value will be taken
function(optional) parse value, using a built-in function or a user-defined one
param(optional) a param for the function (there can be several params)

template examples:


Using templates

Here is a simple sample that describes how you can use templates:

// firstly, you need a string that contains a template
var str = "Hi! My name is #name# and I'm #age# years old";
// then you should specify values for the template
var values = {name: "James", age: 24};
// add a little bit of dhx magic
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// and check the result
console.log(text); // Hi! My name is James and I'm 24 years old

The picture below illustrates how values are inserted instead of templates and a sentence is formed.

Built-in functions

There's also a possibility to use functions that let you apply various formatting to the text:

lowercaseused to convert characters to lower case
uppercaseused to convert characters to upper case
maxlengthused for limiting the count of characters in a text
dateused for dates formatting
number_formatused for number formatting

Function 'lowercase'

// describe a string with a template
var str = "#text# in lower case: #text|lowercase#";
// get values
var values = {text: "Some Text"};
// apply a template function
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// check the result
console.log(text); // Some Text in the lower case: some text

Function 'uppercase'

// describe a string with a template
var str = "#text# in the upper case: #text|uppercase#";
// get values
var values = {text: "Some Text"};
// apply a template function
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// check the result
console.log(text); // Some Text in the upper case: SOME TEXT

Function 'maxlength'

This function requires a parameter which will specify the count of characters

// describe a string with a template
var str = "10 characters of '#text#': '#text|maxlength:10#'";
// get values
var values = {text: "Some text is here"};
// apply a template function
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// check the result
console.log(text); // 10 characters of 'Some text is here': 'Some text '

Function 'date'

This function requires a date format parameter, please check available settings here

// describe a string with a template
var str = "Current date/time: #value|date:%Y-%m-%d %H\\:%i#";
// get values
var values = {value: new Date()}; // or new Date().getTime()
// apply a template function
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// check the result
console.log(text); // Current date/time: 2014-11-12 13:55

To escape a colon:

  • in HTML markup use a single backslash \
  • in javascript string use a double backslash \\

Function 'number_format'

This function requires a format, as well as the group_sep(opt) and dec_sep(opt) params

// describe a string with a template
var str = "Total amount: #value|number_format:$ 0,000.00#";
// get values
var values = {value: 12345.67};
// apply a template function
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// check the result
console.log(text); // Total amount: $ 12,345.67

User defined function

// firstly, you need to name your function and add it into dhx.template
// assuming that our custom function will be called 'text_color' and will change text color
window.dhx.template.text_color = function(value, color){
    // the 1st param is always a value,
    // the 2nd and other params - any number of params that will be defined in the template,
    // we need only one param for a color
    return "<span style='color:"+color+";'>"+value+"</span>";
// then describe a string with a template
var str = "#value|text_color:red#";
// get values
var values = {value: "Important!"};
// apply a template function
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// check the result
console.log(text); // <span style='color:red;'>Important!</span>

extend your function and add one more param:

// add your custom function into dhx.template
window.dhx.template.text_color = function(value, textColor, bgColor){
    return "<span style='color:"+textColor+"; background-color:"+bgColor+"'>"
// describe a string with a template
var str = "#value|text_color:red:black#";
// get values
var values = {value: "WOW!"};
// apply a template function
var text = window.dhx.template(str, values);
// check the result
console.log(text); // <span style='color:red; background-color:black'>WOW!</span>
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