Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite General Idea of dhtmlxConnector DHTMLX Docs

General Idea of dhtmlxConnector

dhtmlxConnector is a server-side library that lets you access data sources. It consists of individual component-specific connectors and a set of additional ones that provide advanced functionality.

A dhtmlxConnector's job is to provide necessary data exchange conditions so that you do not have to deal with the technical details of working with various data stores, systems or services. As such, each type of dhtmlxConnector is designed to use a specific API.

As the library is server-side, it provides different manipulations just on the server backend:

  • loading data (statically or dynamically) from database, File System, Excel file.
  • server-side filtering, sorting and validation.

When you need to deal with the client side as well, i.e. pass data back to the server, you should use DataProcessor additionally (for more details on this topic, read the chapter 'Client-side requirement - dataProcessor').

General List of Connectors


Additional (most important):

Throughout the documentation you'll see examples in which 'GridConnector' is used. If your use a different component, just replace GridConnector with the appropriate connector type.

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