Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Grid Specific HowTos DHTMLX Docs

Grid Specific HowTos

How can I define grid structure on the server side?

To define grid structure on the server side you can choose one of two ways:

  • define the configuration in the constructor;
  • create an empty object and then specify its configuration through the related methods.

The first case:

GridColumn column1 = new GridColumn(
    String header, 
    String type, 
    String id, 
    int width,
    String align, 
    String valign, 
    String sort, 
    String color, 
    Boolean hidden
GridColumn column2 = ...
GridConfiguration myConfig= new GridConfiguration();

The second case:

GridColumn column1 = new GridColumn();
GridColumn column2 = ...
GridConfiguration myConfig= new GridConfiguration();

How can I load data from a table that doesn't contain the identity field?

By using KeyGridConnector instead of GridConnector, you can load data from a table without identity field. In this case, any data field will serve as the identity one.

Connection conn = ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();
KeyGridConnector data = new KeyGridConnector(conn);

For more details, see the 'KeyGridConnector' guide.

How can I set a custom style for a row or a cell?

dhtmlxConnector contains a bit of methods that allow setting the appearance of a grid.

These methods can be divided into 2 groups:

for a cell customization:

  • set_cell_attribute
  • set_cell_class
  • set_cell_style

for a row customization:

  • set_row_attribute
  • set_row_color
  • set_row_style
class RenderBehavior extends ConnectorBehavior{
    public void beforeRender(DataItem data) {
        if (data->get_index() % 2 == 1 )
Connection res = ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();
GridConnector grid = new GridConnector(res);
grid.event.attach(new RenderBehavior());


  • to overwrite the background you should use the 'background' attribute, not the 'background-color' one.
  • skin's css can overwrite a number of css attributes. To avoid it, use the !important flag.

   background:red !important;
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