Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Events DHTMLX Docs


onAddItem fires when a new item is added into TreeView
onBeforeCheck fires before an item's checkbox is checked/unchecked, cancelable
onBeforeDeleteItem fires before item's deleting
onBeforeDrag fires before drag operation starts, cancelable
onBeforeDrop fires before an item is dragged to another target and the mouse button is released, cancelable
onBeforeSelect fires before an item is selected
onCheck fires before an item's checkbox is checked/unchecked
onClick fires when a TreeView item has been clicked
onContextMenu fires when the user clicks on treeview items with the right mouse button
onDblClick fires when a TreeView item has been double clicked
onDeleteItem fires when an item is deleted
onDragOver fires when when a dragged item is moved over the droppable area, cancelable
onDrop fires when the dragged item is dropped
onSelect fires when an item is selected
onTextChange fires when the item's text is changed
onXLE fires when the data loading is finished and a component or data is rendered
onXLS fires when XML loading started
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