Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite showView DHTMLX Docs


shows the specified view, creates a new one if it doesn't exist

boolean showView(string name);
namestringview name
booleantrue if view was accessed first time, false otherwise


// here is an example how to initialize content
// in several views on demand inside of a window
// 1) for the default view "def" we will simply attach an URL
// 2) for the "grid" view  we will attach menu and grid
// 3) and for the "tree" view we will attach toolbar and tree
var myMenu;
var myGrid;
var myToolbar;
var myTree;
// the default view is ready right after component initialization
function initView(name) {
    // assuming that this function will be called after some user action
    // like a button click or some other
    var state = myWins.window(id).showView(name);
    if (state == true) {
        // first call, initializes corresponding components
        if (name == "grid") {
            myMenu = myWins.window(id).attachMenu();
            myGrid = myWins.window(id).attachGrid();
        } else if (name == "tree") {
            myToolbar = myWins.window(id).attachToolbar();
            myTree = myWins.window(id).attachTree();


The default view name is "def", it is created automatically when a window is created

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