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sorts controls according to some criteria

sort(rule?: object): void;


  • rule: object - an object with parameters for sorting. The object has the following attributes:
    • by: string | number - the id of a data field (a column of TreeGrid)
    • dir: string - the direction of sorting "asc" or "desc"
    • as: function - a function that specifies the type to sort data as
    • rule: function - optional, a sorting rule; the function must have two parameters and return a number (-1,0,1)

by: "price",
dir: "asc",
as: function (value) { return value ? value : "" }

Calling the method without parameters will discard all applied sorting rules.

Custom sorting

To set a custom function for sorting you need to specify the rule attribute in a passed object. For example:{
rule: (a,b) => (a.type < b.type) ? -1 : ( (a.type > b.type) ? 1 : 0 )