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Optional. Defines the list of number formats


formats?: array;


The formats property is an array of number format objects, each of which includes a set of properties:

  • id - the id of a format that is used to set format to a cell via the setFormat() method
  • mask - a mask for a number format
  • name - the name of a format displayed in the toolbar and menu drop-down lists
  • example - an example that shows how a formatted number looks like. The number 2702.31 is used as a default value for format examples

Default config

The default number formats are the following:

defaultFormats = [
{ name: "Common", id: "common", mask: "", example: "1500.31" },
{ name: "Number", id: "number", mask: "#,##0.00", example: "1,500.31" },
{ name: "Percent", id: "percent", mask: "#,##0.00%", example: "1,500.31%" },
{ name: "Currency", id: "currency", mask: "$#,##0.00", example: "$1,500.31" },
{ name: "Date", id: "date", mask: "mm-dd-yy", example: "28/12/2021" },
name: "Time",
id: "time",
mask: hh:mm:ss am/pm || hh:mm:ss, // depending on the timeFormat config
example: "13:30:00"
{ name: "Text", id: "text", mask: "@", example: "'1500.31'" }


const spreadsheet = new dhx.Spreadsheet("spreadsheet", {
formats: [
name: "U.S. Dollar",
id: "currency",
mask: "$#,##0.00"
name: "Euro",
id: "euro",
mask: "[$€]#.##0,00",
example: "1000.50"
name: "Swiss franc",
id: "franc",
mask: "[$CHF ]#.##0,00"
// other config parameters

Change log:

  • The "Time" format was added in v4.3
  • The "Date" format was added in v4.2
  • The "Text" format was added in v4.0

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