var myPivot = new dhx.Pivot("container", {
fields: {
// initial pivot structure
fieldList: [
// the full list of fields
addFilter | adds a new filter for the data |
addMathMethod | adds a custom operation |
addSubField | adds a custom date field option for grouping data by dates |
clearFiltersValues | removes all filters applied to Pivot fields |
export | exports Pivot data to an Excel file |
getConfig | gets the Pivot configuration object |
getFields | returns the current fields object of Pivot |
getFilter | returns a filtering function |
getFilterValue | returns the value of a specified filter |
getFiltersValues | returns all filters applied to Pivot fields |
load | loads data into Pivot from an external file |
paint | repaints the pivot |
removeFilter | removes a filter and refreshes Pivot |
setData | populates Pivot with inline data after initialization |
setFields | sets fields structure for Pivot |
setFilterValue | sets a filter for a particular field |
setFiltersValues | sets filters for the specified fields |
setGlobalFilter | sets a global filter for Pivot |
applyButtonClick | fires on clicking the Apply button |
change | fires on a change in Pivot |
fieldClick | fires on clicking a field in the configuration area |
filterApply | fires when a chosen filter is applied to Pivot |
cellClick | fires on click on a grid cell |
cellDblClick | fires on double-click on a grid cell |
cellMouseDown | fires before releasing the left mouse button when clicking on a grid cell |
cellMouseOver | fires on moving the mouse pointer over a grid cell |
cellRightClick | fires on right click on a grid cell |
expand | fires on expanding a treegrid |
footerCellClick | fires on click on a grid footer cell |
footerCellDblClick | fires on double-click on a grid footer cell |
footerCellMouseDown | fires on moving the mouse pointer over a grid footer cell |
footerCellMouseOver | fires on moving the mouse pointer over a grid footer cell |
footerCellRightClick | fires on right click on a grid footer cell |
headerCellClick | fires on click on a grid header cell |
headerCellDblClick | fires on double-click on a grid footer cell |
headerCellMouseDown | fires on moving the mouse pointer over a grid header cell |
headerCellMouseOver | fires on moving the mouse pointer over a grid header cell |
headerCellRightClick | fires on right click on a grid header cell |
headerInput | fires on typing text in an input of a column's header |
scroll | fires on scrolling a grid |
sort | fires on sorting a column by clicking on its header |
customFormat | redefines the default formatting of cells values and sets a custom format |
data | a JS array with data for Pivot |
fieldList | defines an array of fields from the dataset that will be used in Pivot |
fields | specifies the initial Pivot structure and fields, and sets the scheme for data analysis |
layout | sets an object with properties that define the appearance and behavior of the Pivot layout |
mark | defines the styling of cells via a predefined or custom function |
types | defines the types of data operations that can be applied to columns |