Check documentation for the latest version of DHTMLX Pivot Migration from Older Versions Pivot Docs

Migration from Older Versions

1.3 -> 1.4

Deprecated API

Pay attention that the pivot.export() method used for exporting Pivot data to Excel has been deprecated since v1.4. You need to use the xlsx() method of the Export module instead:


Both ways will be available till the next version. After that the pivot.export() method will be removed.

1.2 -> 1.3

Changed API

In version 1.3 the following changes have been made:

  • the rowsWidth property of the layout has been renamed to columnsWidth due to inconsistency between the name and functionality. The rowsWidth property is deprecated and will be totally removed in version 2.0
  • the paint method is used instead of reload()

1.1 -> 1.2

Deprecated API

There are methods that have been deprecated: addFilter(), removeFilter() and getFilter().

In order to work with the filtering functionality, you need to update the applied methods to a newer version of the API.

The list of deprecated methods and their new variants includes:

In version 1.1From version 1.2
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