Check documentation for the latest version of DHTMLX Pivot customFormat Pivot Docs


redefines the default formatting of cells values and sets a custom format

function customFormat;


var myPivot = new dhx.Pivot("container", {
    data: dataset,                 
    fields: {
        // initial pivot structure
    fieldList: [      
        // the full list of fields
    customFormat: function (cellValue, method) {                        if (method === "count") {                                           return cellValue.toLocaleString("de");                      }                                                               return "€ " + cellValue.toLocaleString("de")           }                                                           });


The customFormat() function takes two parameters:

  • cellValue - the value of the cell
  • method - the type of operation that will be applied to data

Related sample:  Custom formatting

See also
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