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Migration to newer versions

1.5.13 -> 1.6.0

CSS classes related to the menu were changed in the following way:

    .menu -> .wx-menu
.item -> .wx-item
.icon -> .wx-icon
.value -> .wx-value

1.5.12 -> 1.5.13

CSS classes related to the editor were changed in the following way:

    .modal -> .wx-modal
.window -> .wx-window
.modal .window .buttons -> .wx-modal .wx-window .wx-buttons
.combo -> .wx-combo
.combo -> .wx-multicombo
.item -> .wx-item
.color-picker -> .wx-colorselect
.colors -> .wx-colors
.slider -> .wx-slider
.datepicker -> .wx-datepicker
.calendar -> .wx-calendar
.calendar .days .day.out -> .wx-calendar .wx-days .wx-day.wx-out
.combo .tag -> .multicombo .wx-tag
.dropdown -> .wx-dropdown
.dropdown .item -> .wx-dropdown .wx-item
.clear -> .wx-clear

1.5.6 -> 1.5.7



  • The setLocale method of the Kanban toolbar was updated in the following way:
Before v1.5.7
    // create Kanban
const board = new kanban.Kanban("#root", {...});
// create Toolbar
const toolbar = new kanban.Toolbar("#toolbar", { api: board.api });
// apply the "de" locale to Toolbar
toolbar.setLocale(de); // or null to reset the locale to the default one (en)
From v1.5.7
    // create Kanban
const board = new kanban.Kanban("#root", {...});
// create Toolbar
const toolbar = new kanban.Toolbar("#toolbar", { api: board.api });
// apply the "de" locale to the Toolbar
toolbar.setLocale(de, board.api);

1.4 -> 1.5



  • The columnShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.5
    menu: {
    show: true,
    items: [
    label: "Update", ...
    // other parameters
    From v1.5
    menu: {
    show: true,
    items: [
    text: "Update", ...
    // other parameters
    fixedHeaders: true

1.3 -> 1.4



  • The editorShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    type: "date",
    key: "start_date",
    label: "Start date"
    // other parameters
    From v1.4
    type: "date", // or you can also use the "dateRange" type
    key: "start_date",
    label: "Date Range"
    format: "%d/%m/%y"
    type: "comments",
    key: "comments",
    label: "Comments",
    config: {
    format: "%M %d",
    placement: "page", // or "editor"
    html: true,
    type: "links",
    key: "links",
    label: "Links",
    // other parameters
  • The cardShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    label: true,
    description: true,
    menu: {
    items: [
    label: "Delete", ...
    // other parameters
    From v1.4
    label: true,
    description: true,
    menu: {
    items: [
    text: "Delete", ...
    votes: true,
    comments: true,
    css: (card) => card.type == "feature" ? "green" : "red",
    // other parameters
  • The columnShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    menu: {
    show: true,
    items: [
    label: "Delete", ...
    // other parameters
    From v1.4
    menu: {
    show: true,
    items: [
    text: "Delete", ...
    // other parameters
    css: (column, cards) => == "feature" && cards.length < 5 ? "green" : "red"
  • The rowShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    menu: {
    show: true,
    items: [
    label: "Delete", ...
    // other parameters
    From v1.4
    menu: {
    show: true,
    items: [
    text: "Delete", ...
    // other parameters
    css: (row, cards) => == "task" && cards.length < 5 ? "green" : "red",
  • The cards property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    id: 1,
    label: "Integration with React",
    description: "Some description",
    // other parameters
    }, ...
    From v1.4
    id: 1,
    label: "Integration with React",
    description: "Some description",
    css: "red",
    votes: [4,6,9],
    comments: [
    id: 1,
    userId: 9,
    cardId: 6,
    text: "Greetings, fellow colleagues. I would like to share my insights on this task. I reckon we should deal with at least half of the points in the plan without further delays.",
    date: new Date(),
    // other parameters
    }, ...
  • The columns property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    id: "inprogress",
    label: "In progress",
    // other parameters
    }, ...
    From v1.4
    id: "inprogress",
    label: "In progress",
    css: "red",
    overlay: template(`
    <div className="blockOverlay disable-drop">
    <span className="disable-drop-header">Drop is not allowed</span>
    <span className="disable-drop-description">Only testers can move cards to this
    // other parameters
    }, ...
  • The rows property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    id: "features",
    label: "Features",
    // other parameters
    }, ...
    From v1.4
    id: "features",
    label: "Features",
    css: "green"
    // other parameters
    }, ...
  • The cardTemplate property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
        const cardTemplate = ({ cardFields, selected, dragging, cardShape }) => {
    if (selected) {
    return `
    <div className="custom-card" style={{padding: '20px'}}>
    <div className="status-color" style={{background: '${cardFields.color}'}}></div>

    new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
    From v1.4
        const cardTemplate = ({ cardFields, selected, dragging, cardShape }) => {
    if (selected) {
    return `
    <div className="custom-card" style={{padding: '20px'}}>
    <div className="status-color" style={{background: '${cardFields.color}'}}></div>
    <div data-menu-id=${} >
    <i className="wxi-dots-v"></i>

    new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
    cardTemplate: kanban.template(card => cardTemplate(card)),
    // other parameters
  • The sort control in the items property of Kanban Toolbar was updated in the following way:

    Before v1.4
    { // custom sort control
    type: "sort",
    options: [
    label: "Sort by label",
    by: "label",
    dir: "asc"
    label: "Sort by description",
    by: "description",
    dir: "desc"
    From v1.4
    { // custom sort control
    type: "sort",
    options: [
    text: "Sort by label",
    by: "label",
    dir: "asc"
    text: "Sort by description",
    by: "description",
    dir: "desc"


Before v1.4
// the method returns an object with the following properties
areasMeta: object,
before: string | number,
cardShape: object,
cards: array,
cardsMap: object,
cardsMeta: object,
columnKey: string,
columns: array,
dragItemId: string | number,
dragItemsCoords: array,
edit: object,
editorShape: array,
fromAreaMeta: object,
overAreaId: string | number,
readonly: object,
rowKey: string,
rows: array,
scroll: object,
search: object,
selected: array,
sort: object,
dropAreaItemsCoords: array,
dropAreasCoords: array,
overAreaMeta: object,
From v1.4
// the method returns an object with the following properties
areasMeta: object,
before: string | number,
cardShape: object,
cards: array,
cardsMap: object,
cardsMeta: object,
columnKey: string,
columns: array,
dragItemId: string | number,
dragItemsCoords: array,
edit: object,
editorShape: array,
fromAreaMeta: object,
overAreaId: string | number,
readonly: object,
rowKey: string,
rows: array,
scroll: object,
search: object,
selected: array,
sort: object,

1.2 -> 1.3



  • The editorShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    • the dateRange parameter
    Before v1.3
    type: "date",
    key: "start_date",
    label: "Start date"
    // other parameters
    From v1.3
    type: "dateRange", // or you can also use the "date" type
    key: {
    start: "start_date",
    end: "end_date"
    label: "Date Range"
    // other parameters
  • The items property of Toolbar was updated in the following way:

Before v1.3
items: [
From v1.3
items: [


Before v1.3
id: 1,
card: {
label: "New Label",
row: "feature",
column: "inprogress",
/*other parameters*/
From v1.3
id: 1,
card: {
label: "New Label",
row: "feature",
column: "inprogress",
/*other parameters*/
replace: true
Before v1.3
id: "backlog",
column: {
label: "Updated column",
limit: 3,
strictLimit: 3,
collapsed: true
From v1.3
id: "backlog",
column: {
label: "Updated column",
limit: 3,
strictLimit: 3,
collapsed: true
replace: true
Before v1.3
id: "feature",
row: {
label: "Updated row",
collapsed: true
From v1.3
id: "feature",
row: {
label: "Updated row",
collapsed: true
replace: true

1.1 -> 1.2



  • The cardShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

    • the menu parameter
    Before v1.2
    menu: true,
    menu: { show: true }
    // other parameters
    From v1.2
    menu: true,
    // or
    menu: {
    show: true,
    items: ({ card, store }) => {
    if( === 1){
    return false;
    } else {
    return [
    { id: "set-edit", icon: "wxi-edit", label: "Edit" },
    { id: "delete-card", icon: "wxi-delete", label: "Delete" }
    // other parameters
    • the users parameter
    Before v1.2
    users: {
    show: true,
    values: [
    id: 1,
    label: "John Smith",
    path: "../assets/user.jpg"
    // other parameters
    From v1.2
    users: {
    show: true,
    values: [
    id: 1,
    label: "John Smith",
    avatar: "../assets/user.jpg"
    // other parameters
    • the start_date and end_date parameters
    Before v1.2
    start_date: true,
    end_date: true,
    // other parameters
    From v1.2
    start_date: {
    show: true,
    format: "%d.%m.%Y"
    end_date: {
    show: true,
    format: "%d.%m.%Y"
    // other parameters
  • The editorShape property of Kanban was updated in the following way:

Before v1.2
type: "multiselect",
key: "users",
label: "Users",
values: [
id: 1, label: "Alan",
path: "preview_image_path_1.png"
// settings of other fields
From v1.2
type: "multiselect",
key: "users",
label: "Users",
values: [
id: 1, label: "Alan",
avatar: "preview_image_path_1.png"
// settings of other fields
  • The items property of Toolbar was updated in the following way:
Before v1.2
items: [
From v1.2
items: [
{ // or "search",
type: "search",
options: [
id: "label",
label: "By label"
id: "start_date",
label: "By date",
searchRule: (card, value, by) => {
const date = card[by];
return date?.toString().includes(value);
{ // or "sort",
type: "sort",
options: [
label: "Sort by label",
by: "label",
dir: "asc"
label: "Sort by description",
by: "description",
dir: "desc"


Before v1.2
setLocale(kanban.en); // reset to default locale
From v1.2
setLocale(null); // reset to default locale
Before v1.2
// the method returns an object with the following properties
dragItemId: {
subscribe: any,
update: any,
set: any
before: {...},
overAreaId: {...},
overAreaMeta: {...},
dropAreaItemsCoords: {...},
dropAreasCoords: {...},
dragItemsCoords: {...},
selected: {...}
From v1.2
// the method returns an object with the following properties
areasMeta: {
subscribe: any,
update: any,
set: any
before: {...},
cardShape: {...},
cards: {...},
cardsMap: {...},
cardsMeta: {...},
columnKey: {...},
columns: {...},
dragItemId: {...},
dragItemsCoords: {...},
dropAreaItemsCoords: {...},
dropAreasCoords: {...},
edit: {...},
editorShape: {...},
fromAreaMeta: {...},
overAreaId: {...},
overAreaMeta: {...},
readonly: {...},
rowKey: {...},
rows: {...},
scroll: {...},
search: {...},
selected: {...},
sort: {...}
Before v1.2
// the method returns an object with the following properties
dragItemId: string | number,
before: string | number,
overAreaId: string | number,
overAreaMeta: object,
dropAreaItemsCoords: array,
dropAreasCoords: array,
dragItemsCoords: array,
selected: array
From v1.2
// the method returns an object with the following properties
areasMeta: object,
before: string | number,
cardShape: object,
cards: array,
cardsMap: object,
cardsMeta: object,
columnKey: string,
columns: array,
dragItemId: string | number,
dragItemsCoords: array,
dropAreaItemsCoords: array,
dropAreasCoords: array,
edit: object,
editorShape: array,
fromAreaMeta: object,
overAreaId: string | number,
overAreaMeta: object,
readonly: object,
rowKey: string,
rows: array,
scroll: object,
search: object,
selected: array,
sort: object
Before v1.2
// the method returns an object with the following stores
state: StateStore, // ( object )
data: DataStore // ( object )
From v1.2
// the method returns an object with the following properties
state: StateStore, // ( object )


Before v1.2
const days = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
const months = [
const monthsShort = [
const wx = {
Today: "Today",
Clear: "Clear",
Close: "Close"
const en = {
lang: "en",
__dates: {
kanban: {
Save: "Save",
Close: "Close",
Delete: "Delete",
Name: "Name",
Description: "Description",
Type: "Type",
"Start date": "Start date",
"End date": "End date",
Result: "Result",
"No results": "No results",
Search: "Search",
"Search in": "Search in",
"Add new row": "Add new row",
"Add new column": "Add new column",
"Add new card": "Add new card",
"Edit card": "Edit card",
Edit: "Edit",
Everywhere: "Everywhere",
Label: "Label",
Status: "Status",
Color: "Color",
Date: "Date",
Untitled: "Untitled",
Rename: "Rename"
From v1.2
const en = {
kanban: { // translations of the Kanban labels
"Save": "Save",
"Close": "Close",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Name": "Name",
"Description": "Description",
"Type": "Type",
"Start date": "Start date",
"End date": "End date",
"Result": "Result",
"No results": "No results",
"Search": "Search",
"Search in": "Search in",
"Add new row": "Add new row",
"Add new column": "Add new column",
"Add new card": "Add new card",
"Edit card": "Edit card",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Everywhere": "Everywhere",
"Label": "Label",
"Status": "Status",
"Color": "Color",
"Date": "Date",
"Untitled": "Untitled",
"Rename": "Rename",
"Move up": "Move up",
"Move down": "Move down",
"Move left": "Move left",
"Move right": "Move right",
"Sort": "Sort",
"Label (a-z)": "Label (a-z)",
"Label (z-a)": "Label (z-a)",
"Description (a-z)": "Description (a-z)",
"Description (z-a)": "Description (z-a)"
calendar: { // translations and settings of the calendar
monthFull: [
"January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August",
"September", "October", "November", "December"
monthShort: [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr",
"May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
dayFull: [
dayShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
hours: "Hours",
minutes: "Minutes",
done: "Done",
clear: "Clear",
today: "Today",
am: ["am", "AM"],
pm: ["pm", "PM"],
weekStart: 7,
timeFormat: 24
core: { // translations of the core elements
ok: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel"

1.0 -> 1.1



  • The columns property was extended by the new parameters. Starting from v1.1, you can use the collapsed, limit and strictLimit configurations.
Before v1.1
const columns = [
label: "Backlog",
id: "backlog"
}, ...
From v1.1
const columns = [
label: "Backlog",
id: "backlog",
collapsed: true,
limit: 3,
strictLimit: true
}, ...

new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
// other parameters
  • The color parameter of the cardShape property was updated.
Before v1.1
const cardShape = {
color: {
show: true,
values: [
{ id: 1, color: "#65D3B3", label: "red" },
{ id: 2, color: "#FFC975", label: "green" }
From v1.1
const cardShape = {
color: {
show: true,
values: ["#65D3B3", "#FFC975", "#58C3FE"]

new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
// other parameters


Before v1.1
From v1.1
id: "backlog",
column: {
label: "Backlog",
collapsed: false,
Before v1.1
From v1.1
id: "feature",
row: {
label: "Feature",
collapsed: false,
Before v1.1
From v1.1
id: "backlog",
column: {
label: "Backlog",
collapsed: true,
Before v1.1
From v1.1
id: "feature",
row: {
label: "Feature",
collapsed: true,
Before v1.1
From v1.1
id: 1,
card: {
label: "Volvo XC 70",
progress: 26
  • The parse method was updated:
Before v1.1
// you need to reset initial data befor parsing new one
const board = new kanban.Kanban("#root", {
columns: [],
cards: [],
rows: []

From v1.1
// you don't need to reset initial data befor parsing new one
const board = new kanban.Kanban("#root", {});
