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Swimlane overview

A swimlane represents a rectangular element of Diagram that consists of cells (or lanes) arranged vertically or horizontally. Each cell (type: "$sgroup") can include child items such as shapes, or groups.


Swimlanes are available only in the default mode of Diagram/Diagram Editor (type: "default").

Swimlanes will help you to visualize any process (be it a business process, manufacturing or service one, and any other processes) or its separate parts from start to finish.

Creating swimlanes

To create a swimlane, you need to specify type: "$swimlane" and define the structure of the swimlane layout inside the swimlane object while preparing a data set to load into the diagram:

const data = [
// configuring a swimlane
type: "$swimlane",
height: 500,
width: 850,
// the layout of a swimlane should contain at least one cell
layout: [
[1] // the cell with id:"1" and type:"$sgroup"

// initializing a diagram
const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container");;

The code example above presents the simplest configuration of a swimlane with default settings (i.e. without a header and subheader).

Swimlane structure

The structure of a swimlane can be rather different. It is defined via the layout configuration property of the swimlane object. The property allows you to arrange the cells of a swimlane into rows and columns.

All you need to do is specify an array with a matrix as a value of the property. The matrix can be either an array:

// a swimlane with 3 columns
layout: [
[1, 2, 3]

or a set of arrays separated by commas:

// a swimlane with 2 rows and 3 columns
layout: [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]


  • each cell in the layout have a unique number;
  • the number of arrays defines the number of rows (if there are several arrays, the number of cells must be equal in all the arrays);
  • the number of cells in the array defines the number of columns.

Properties of a swimlane object

Check the full list of configuration properties of a swimlane object to be able to create various swimlanes with different settings depending on your needs.

Configuring a swimlane cell

When you initialize a swimlane on the page, the id of a swimlane cell is generated automatically as well as its configuration. To change the default configuration of the cell, create an object of the cell which must include the type: "$sgroup" and id attributes, and specify the necessary configuration settings there:

const data = [
// configuring a swimlane
type: "$swimlane",
id: "main",
height: 500,
width: 850,
layout: [
[1, 2, 3]
// configuring a swimlane cell
type: "$sgroup",
id: 3,
style: {
fill: "#D4DAE4"

Properties of a cell object

Check the full list of configuration properties of a swimlane cell.

Grouping cells

When you specify a unique number for each cell, all the cells will be rendered with the borders:

layout: [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]

If needed you can group a range of cells and remove a border(s) between them. To do this, choose any cell from the range and replace unique numbers of the cell(s) from the range with the number of this cell.
Here is an example of grouping first two cells placed in the first row:

layout: [
[1, 1, 3],
[4, 5, 6]

The result will look like this:

Here is an example of grouping the cells placed in the second column:

layout: [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 2, 6]

The result:

Related sample: Diagram editor. Default mode. Configuring columns and rows in swimlanes

Sizes of a swimlane and its cells

The size of the swimlane is defined by the width and height configuration attributes of the swimlane.

const data = [
// configuring a swimlane
type: "$swimlane",
id: "main"
height: 500,
width: 850,
layout: [
[1, 2, 3]

Cell width

The width of a cell depends on the width of the swimlane, the number of columns, and the height of the left/right swimlane header and subheader. For example:

const data = [
type: "$swimlane",
id: "main",
height: 500,
width: 830,
layout: [
// 3 columns
[1, 2, 3]
header: {
position: "left",
height: 40
subHeaderRows: {
enable: true,
position: "left",
height: 40

The width of each cell can be calculated as (830-40-40)/3 = 250.

Cell height

The height of a cell depends on the height of the swimlane, the number of rows, and the height of the top/bottom swimlane header and subheader. For example:

const data = [
type: "$swimlane",
id: "main",
height: 500,
width: 830,
layout: [
// 2 rows
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]
header: {
position: "top",
height: 40
subHeaderCols: {
enable: true,
position: "top",
height: 40

The height of each cell can be calculated as (500-40-40)/2 = 210.