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Text style

The complex control for managing the text style within the Diagram elements

Text style control


type: "textStyle",

hidden?: boolean, // false by default
disabled?: boolean, // false by default

css?: string,
width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
padding?: string | number, // "0 16px" by default

label?: string,
labelAlignment?: "left" | "right" | "center", // "left" by default
align?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "between" | "around" | "evenly", // "between" by default
compact?: boolean, // false by default

// Service properties
$properties?: object


Basic properties

  • type - (required) the type of a control. Set it to "textStyle"
  • hidden - (optional) defines whether the control is hidden. false by default
  • disabled - (optional) defines whether the control is enabled (false) or disabled (true). false by default
  • css - (optional) adds style classes to the control
  • width - (optional) the width of the control. "content" by default
  • height - (optional) the height of the control. "content" by default
  • padding - (optional) sets the padding for the content inside the control group. "0 16px" by default
  • label - (optional) specifies a label for the control
  • labelAlignment - (optional) defines the position of the label. "left" by default
  • align - (optional) sets the alignment of controls inside the control group. "between" by default
  • compact - (optional) specifies the compact mode, removes indents and frame. false by default

Service properties

  • $properties - (optional) allows you to override values of basic controls within a complex control. You can configure the following elements of the Text style control based on the basic controls:
    • fontSize - (combo) sets the font size
    • lineHeight - (input) sets the line height
    • fontColor - (colorpicker) sets the font color
    • fontWeight - (toggle) sets the font weight
    • fontStyle - (toggle) sets the font style


const editor= new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "mindmap",
view: {
editbar: {
properties: {
$shape: [
type: "textStyle",
label: "Text style",
$properties: {
fontSize: {
value: 20,
options: [
{ id: 10, value: "10px" },
{ id: 20, value: "20px" },
{ id: 30, value: "30px" },
{ id: 40, value: "40px" }