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The basic control for creating groups of Radio buttons.

RadioGroup control


type: "radiogroup",
options: {
rows?: object[],
cols?: object[],
css?: string,
height?: string | number | "content",
padding?: string | number,
width?: string | number | "content"
key?: string | string[],
wrap?: boolean, // false by default

disabled?: boolean, // false by default
hidden?: boolean, // false by default

css?: string,
height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
padding?: string | number,

// for `wrap:true` check the label properties for the Fieldset
label?: string,
labelWidth?: string | number,
labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default

// service properties and methods
$on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
$handler?: function,
$setValue?: function,
$layout?: function

Radio button configuration object inside RadioGroup:

value: string,
text?: string,

disabled?: boolean,
hidden?: boolean,
css?: string,
height?: string | number | "content",
width?: string | number | "content",
padding?: string | number


RadioGroup properties

Basic properties

  • type - (required) the type of a control. Set it to "radioGroup"
  • key - (optional) the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
  • wrap - (optional) allows displaying the external wrapping. false by default
  • options - (required) an object with options of a RadioGroup. The object can contain the following attributes:
    • rows - (optional) arranges radio buttons inside the RadioGroup control vertically
    • cols - (optional) arranges radio buttons inside the RadioGroup control horizontally
    • css - (optional) adds style classes to a RadioGroup
    • height - (optional) the height of a RadioGroup
    • padding - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a RadioGroup
    • width - (optional) the width of a RadioGroup
  • disabled - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (false) or disabled (true). false by default
  • hidden - (boolean) defines whether a RadioGroup is hidden. false by default
  • css - (optional) adds style classes to a control
  • height - (optional) the height of a control. "content" by default
  • width - (optional) the width of a control. "content" by default
  • padding - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a RadioGroup control
  • label - (optional) specifies a label for the control
  • labelWidth - (optional) sets the label width of the control
  • labelPosition - (optional) defines the position of a label: "left" | "top". "top" by default

Service properties and methods


Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.

  • $on - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
    • eventName - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
      • object - an object with the following properties:
        • control - the RadioGroup Form control
        • editor - the object of the Diagram Editor
        • id - the id of a Diagram item
      • arguments - (optional) - the original event arguments
  • $handler - (optional) - a callback function that allows handling actions on firing the change event of the RadioGroup Form control and the change event of DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
    • object - an object with the following properties:
      • id - the id of a Diagram item
      • key - the name of the specified/modified property or the path to it in the object of a Diagram item
      • editor - the object of the Diagram Editor
      • control - the object of the RadioGroup Form control the component is built on
      • value - the new value of the RadioGroup Form control
  • $setValue - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the value of the RadioGroup Form control on initialization of a control and on changing the value in DataCollection. Called with the following parameter:
    • object - an object with the following properties:
      • editor - the object of the Diagram Editor
      • control - the object of the RadioGroup Form control the component is built on
      • value - the value of a Diagram item
  • $layout - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the RadioGroup Form control. Called with the following parameter:
    • object - the configuration of a control without service properties

Radio button properties

  • value - (required) the value of a radio button
  • text - (optional) the text label of a radio button
  • disabled - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (false) or disabled (true). false by default
  • hidden - (optional) defines whether a radio button is hidden. false by default
  • css - (optional) adds style classes to a control
  • height - (optional) the height of a control. "content" by default
  • width - (optional) the width of a control. "content" by default
  • padding - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a radio button control


const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
view: {
editbar: {
properties: {
$shape: [
type: "radioGroup",
key: "textAlign",
label: "Text align",
wrap: true,
options: {
rows: [
text: "Left",
value: "left"
text: "Center",
value: "center"
text: "Right",
value: "right"