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The basic control for creating complex controls with the help of the controls or the properties Editbar configuration options.

Fieldset control


type: "fieldset",

compact?: boolean,
hidden?: boolean, // false by default
disabled?: boolean, // false by default

css?: string,
width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
padding?: string | number,
align?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "between" | "around" | "evenly", // "start" by default

label?: string,
labelAlignment?: "left" | "right" | "center", // "left" by default

rows?: object[],
cols?: object[],

$layout?: function

The rows and cols properties may include an array of objects of the specified controls or the nested structure given below:

css?: string,
width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
padding?: string | number,
align?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "between" | "around" | "evenly", // "start" by default
rows?: object[],
cols?: object[]


Basic properties

  • type - (required) the type of a control. Set it to "fieldset"
  • compact - (optional) specifies the compact mode, removes indents and frame. false by default
  • disabled - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (false) or disabled (true). false by default
  • hidden - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. false by default
  • css - (optional) the name of a CSS class(es) applied to the control group
  • width - (optional) sets the width of the control group. "content" by default
  • height - (optional) sets the height of the control group. "content" by default
  • padding - (optional) sets the padding for the content inside the control group
  • align - (optional) sets the alignment of controls inside the control group. "start" by default
  • label - (optional) specifies a label for a control
  • labelAlignment - (optional) defines the position of the label: "left" | "right" | "center". "left" by default
  • rows - (optional) arranges controls inside the control group vertically
  • cols - (optional) arranges controls inside the control group horizontally

Service properties and methods


Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.

  • $layout - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the Fieldset Form control. Called with the following parameter:
    • object - the configuration of a control without service properties


Creating a fieldset via the properties property
const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "org",
view: {
editbar: {
properties: {
$shape: [
type: "fieldset",
label: "Task details",
rows: [
{ type: "input", key: "name", label: "Task name" },
{ type: "input", key: "id", label: "ID", readOnly: true },
align: "between",
cols: [
{ type: "datepicker", key: "date_start", label: "Date start", width: "48%" },
{ type: "datepicker", key: "date_end", label: "Date end", width: "48%" },
type: "combo",
key: "responsible",
label: "Responsible",
placeholder: "Select responsible",
options: ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel", "Greg Mash"]
Creating a complex control via the controls property
const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
view: {
editbar: {
properties: {
$shape: [
{ type: "details" }
controls: {
details: {
type: "fieldset",
label: "Task details",
rows: [
{ type: "input", key: "name", label: "Task name" },
{ type: "input", key: "id", label: "ID", readOnly: true },
align: "between",
cols: [
{ type: "datepicker", key: "date_start", label: "Date start", width: "48%" },
{ type: "datepicker", key: "date_end", label: "Date end", width: "48%" }
type: "combo",
key: "responsible",
label: "Responsible",
placeholder: "Select responsible",
options: ["Henry Bennet", "Mike Frebel", "Greg Mash"]