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The basic button control that can have an icon.

Button control


type: "button",
text?: string,

css?: string,
disabled?: boolean, // false by default
hidden?: boolean, // false by default
height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
padding?: string | number,

// button view
circle?: boolean, // false by default
color?: "danger" | "secondary" | "primary" | "success", // "primary" by default
full?: boolean, // false by default
icon?: string,
size?: "small" | "medium", // "medium" by default
view?: "flat" | "link", // "flat" by default

// service properties and methods
$on?: { [eventName: string]: function },
$layout?: function


Basic properties

  • type - (required) the type of a control. Set it to "button"
  • text - (optional) the text label of a button
  • css - (optional) adds style classes to a control
  • disabled - (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (false) or disabled (true). false by default
  • hidden - (optional) defines whether a control is hidden. false by default
  • height - (optional) the height of a control. "content" by default
  • width - (optional) the width of a control. "content" by default
  • padding - (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a button control
  • circle - (optional) makes the corners of a button round. false by default
  • color - (optional) defines the color scheme of a button: "danger" | "secondary" | "primary" | "success". "primary" by default
  • full - (optional) extends a button to the full width of the Editbar. false by default
  • icon - (optional) sets the CSS class of an icon displayed inside the button
  • size - (optional) defines the size of a button: "small" | "medium". "medium" by default
  • view - (optional) defines the look of a button: "flat" | "link". "flat" by default

Service properties and methods


Note that it's highly not recommended to redefine the service properties and methods for the default types of controls, since it may cause breaks in their functionality.

  • $on - (optional) - allows setting an event listener. The object has the following properties:
    • eventName - a callback function which is called with the following parameters:
      • object - an object with the following properties:
        • control - the Button Form control
        • editor - the object of the Diagram Editor
        • id - the id of a Diagram item
      • arguments - (optional) - the original event arguments
  • $layout - (optional) - a callback function that allows setting the structure of a control. Returns the configuration of the Button Form control. Called with the following parameter:
    • object - the configuration of a control without service properties


const editor = new dhx.DiagramEditor("editor_container", {
type: "default",
view: {
editbar: {
properties: {
$shape: [
{ type: "input", label: "Text", placeholder: "Push the button", key: "text" },
type: "button",
full: true,
text: "Change shape text",
color: "danger",
$on: {
click: ({ id, editor }) => {, {
text: "New text"