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Optional. An object which sets the default configuration of a shape or line


defaults?: {
[type: string]: object


The defaults property is an object which includes a set of key:value pairs where key is a type of a shape or line and value is an object with a set of configuration settings of the shape or line correspondingly.


There is no possibility to define type and id in the default configuration of a shape/line


const defaults = {
// the default settings for all shapes of the "rectangle" type
rectangle: {
fill: "#CEEFE1",
stroke: "#0AB169",
strokeWidth: 2,
width: 140,
height: 140,
text: "Default text"
// the default settings for all lines of the "line" type
line: {
strokeWidth: 3,
stroke: "#245CE0"
// the default settings for all lines of the "dash" type
dash: {
strokeWidth: 3,
stroke: "#245CE0"

const diagram = new dhx.Diagram("diagram_container", {
type: "default",
defaults: defaults

After defining the default settings for the shapes/lines of separate types, you can either omit these properties or redefine their values while preparing a data set for the shapes/lines of these types.

Change log:

  • The ability to set the default configuration for lines is added in v4.2
  • The property is added in v3.0

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