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You can customize the appearance and structure of toolbar, change the settings of controls and use any icon pack instead of the default one.


DHTMLX Richtext uses the Material Design-based icons by default. However, you can use any other icon font pack, if necessary. For this, you need to include the desired icon font on a page and apply icons for Toolbar controls.

For example, you can use the Font Awesome icon pack by including link to its CDN after the source files of DHTMLX Richtext as follows:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../../codebase/richtext.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../codebase/richtext.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""

Related sample: Custom Icons

Then you can use the name of the icon as the value of the icon property in the object with the control parameters for toolbar. See details below.



There are the following types of controls you can add: button, customHTML, imageButton, selectButton, separator and spacer.


The button object has the following properties:

  • type - (string) the type of a button, set it to "button"
  • id - (string) the id of a button, auto-generated if not set
  • icon - (string) the name of an icon from the used icon font
  • hotkey - (string) the name of the hot key for a button
  • value - (string) the value of a button
  • tooltip - (string) the tooltip of a button
  • count - (number) the counter of a button
  • countColor - (string) the color of a badge with number: "danger" | "secondary" | "primary" | "success"
  • items - (array) an array of nested controls. You can find the full list of all available controls here. If the type of a nested control is not specified, the menuItem type will be applied by default.
  • group - (string) defines the name of a group of controls a button belongs to. If one of the buttons in the group becomes active, all others automatically become inactive
  • multiClick - (boolean) defines the behavior of the Undo/Redo buttons:
    • true - all the actions are reverted/re-applied one by one when the Undo/Redo button is clicked and held
    • false - one action is reverted/re-applied on each click of the Undo/Redo button
  • view - (string) defines the look of a button: "flat"|"link"
  • color - (string) defines the color scheme of a button: "danger"|"secondary"|"primary"|"success"
  • size - (string) defines the size of a button: "small"|"medium"
  • circle - (boolean) makes the corners of a button round
  • loading - (boolean) adds a spinner into a button
  • hidden - (boolean) defines whether a button is hidden
  • disabled - (boolean) defines whether a button is disabled

Custom HTML

The customHTML object has the following properties:

  • type - (string) the item type, set it to "customHTML"
  • id - (string) the id of a an item, auto-generated if not set
  • html - (string) a string with HTML that should be inserted into the item
  • css - (string|string[]) adds style classes
  • hidden - (boolean) defines whether an item is hidden


The imageButton object has the following properties:

  • type - (string) the type of an item, set it to "imageButton"
  • id - (string) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set
  • src - (string) the path to the image
  • css - (string|string[]) adds style classes to a button
  • hotkey - (string) the name of the hot key for the button
  • tooltip - (string) a tooltip for the button
  • count - (number) a badge with a number
  • countColor - (string) the color of a badge with number: "danger" | "secondary" | "primary" | "success"
  • hidden - (boolean) defines whether a button is hidden
  • disabled - (boolean) defines whether a button is disabled


The selectButton object has the following properties:

  • type - (string) the type of a control, set it to "selectButton"
  • id - (string) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set
  • value - (string) a value of the button
  • css - (string|string[]) adds style classes to a button
  • icon - (string) the name of an icon from the used icon font
  • items - (array) an array of nested controls. You can find the full list of all available controls here. If the type of a nested control is not specified, the menuItem type will be applied by default.
  • tooltip - (string) a tooltip for the control
  • count - (number) a badge with a number
  • countColor - (string) the color of a badge with number: "danger" | "secondary" | "primary" | "success"
  • hidden - (boolean) defines whether a button is hidden
  • disabled - (boolean) defines whether a button is disabled


The separator object has the following properties:

  • type - (string) the item type, set it to "separator"
  • id - (string) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set


The spacer object has the following properties:

  • type - (string) the item type, set it to "spacer"
  • id - (string) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set

Work with controls

The data collection API of the toolbar allows you to manipulate the controls, namely to add custom controls, remove the controls you don't need, or update the controls, e.g. change their icons.

Adding controls

To add a new control, apply the richtext.{name}.data.add() method. It takes the parameters below:

  • config - (object) an object with the control config
  • index - (number) the index of the position to place the control into
  • parent - (string) the id of a parent control (for the menuItem type)

For a button:{
type: "button",
id: "button-id",
value: "Some value",
icon: "icon-name"
}, 2);

For a custom button:{
type: "customHTML",
id: "htmlbutton-id",
value: "Some value",
icon: "icon-name"
}, 2);

Updating controls

You can change the icon of the control and its other config options via the
richtext.{name}.data.update() method. It takes two parameters:

  • the id of the control
  • an object with new configuration of the control"add", { 
icon: "icon_name"

Deleting controls

To remove a control, make use of the richtext.{name}.data.remove() method. Pass the id of the control that should be removed to the method:"control-id");

Below you will find detailed examples.


Default controls

The default toolbar contains the following blocks of controls:

  • the Undo block
    • the Undo button (id:"undo")
    • the Redo button (id:"redo")
  • the Style block
    • the Font family button (id:"font-family")
    • the Font size button (id:"font-size")
    • the Style button (id:"style")
      • the Base text option (id:"style-p")
      • the Heading 1 option (id:"style-h1")
      • the Heading 2 option (id:"style-h2")
      • the Heading 3 option (id:"style-h3")
      • the Heading 4 option (id:"style-h4")
      • the Heading 5 option (id:"style-h5")
      • the Heading 6 option (id:"style-h6")
    • the Block quote button (id:"blockquote")
  • the Decoration block
    • the Bold button (id:"bold")
    • the Italic button (id:"italic")
    • the Strike button (id:"strike")
    • the Underline button (id:"underline")
  • the Colors block
    • the Text color button (id:"color")
    • the Background color button (id:"background")
  • the Align block
    • the Align left button (id: "align-left")
    • the Align center button (id: "align-center")
    • the Align right button (id: "align-right")
  • the Link block
    • the Link button (id:"link")

It is also possible to add the blocks enumerated below to get the full toolbar:

  • the Clear format block
    • the Clear format button (id:"clear-style")
  • the Full screen block
    • the Fullscreen button (id:"fullscreen")
  • the Statistics block
    • the Statistics button (id:"stats")

Adding controls

In the example below a new button named Count Characters is added into the toolbar:

Custom Toolbar Button{
type: "button",
value: "Count Characters",
id: "calc"
}, 24);

Related sample: Custom Button

Updating controls

In the example below the default icons of the buttons of the Decoration block are changed to Font Awesome ones:

Custom Toolbar Icons

var icons = [
["bold", "fas fa-bold"],
["underline", "fas fa-underline"],
["italic", "fas fa-italic"],
["strike", "fas fa-strikethrough"]

for (var i=0; i<icons.length; i++) {
var toolbarId = icons[i][0];
var iconName = icons[i][1];, {icon: iconName});

Related sample: Custom Icons

Deleting controls

In the example below the Undo button is removed from the toolbar:"undo");