
fires when the user clicks on a scheduler's element that doesn't have the predefined 'onlick' handler

void onMouseDown(string className);
classNamestringthe name of a css class defined for the clicked element


scheduler.attachEvent("onMouseDown", function(className){
    //any custom logic here


Scheduler's elements that have the predefined 'onclick' handlers are listed in the table below.

Table 1 Scheduler's elements with predefined 'onclick' handlers
Class name Element
dhx_cal_event_line Multi-day events in the Day, Week, Month, Units views and any event in the Timeline view
dhx_cal_event_clear One-day events in the Month view
dhx_event_move The header of the event's box used to drag the event in the Day, Week, Units views
dhx_wa_ev_body An event in the WeekAgenda view
dhx_event_resize The lower part of the event's box used to resize the event in the Day, Week, Units views
dhx_scale_holder A column in the Day, Week, Units views
dhx_scale_holder_now A highlighted column with the current date in the Day, Week, Units views
dhx_month_body A cell without header in the Month view
dhx_matrix_cell A cell in the Timeline view
dhx_marked_timespan Marked (highlighted) cells
dhx_time_block Blocked cells
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