
fires after a tree branch was opened or closed (the Timeline view, 'tree' mode only)

void onAfterFolderToggle(object| boolean section,boolean isOpen,boolean allSections);
sectionobject| booleanthe configuration object of the opened/closed branch.
Takes the true value, if all branches were closed/opened at once by the closeAllSections()/openAllSections() methods.
isOpenbooleanindicates whether the branch was opened (true) or closed (false)
allSectionsbooleantakes the true value, if all tree branches were closed/opened at once by the closeAllSections()/openAllSections() methods,

Available only in PRO Edition


scheduler.attachEvent("onAfterFolderToggle", function(section, isOpen, allSections){
    //any custom logic here

See also
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