
onAfterEventDisplay fires when the scheduler switches views, days, time etc. to show the event specified by the 'showEvent' method and fires AFTER the event is displayed
onAfterFolderToggle fires after a tree branch was opened or closed (the Timeline view, 'tree' mode only)
onAfterLightbox fires after the user has closed the lightbox (edit form)
onAfterQuickInfo fires after the pop-up event form is closed
onAfterSchedulerResize fires after the scheduler has changed its size and data area was repainted
onBeforeCollapse fires when a user clicks on the expand icon to change the scheduler's size from 'full screen' to original.
onBeforeDrag fires when the user starts the drag/resize operation (version 2.1+)
onBeforeEventChanged fires when the event has been changed by drag-n-drop, but the changes aren't saved yet.
onBeforeEventCreated fires when the user creates a new event by dragging the cursor over the scheduler
onBeforeEventDelete fires after the user clicks on the delete button (in the event bar or details window)
onBeforeEventDisplay fires when the 'showEvent' method is called to show a specific event and fires BEFORE the event is displayed
onBeforeEventDragIn fires before a dragged event is moved over the scheduler
onBeforeEventDragOut fires before the dragged event is moved out of the scheduler
onBeforeEventPasted fires before the user presses the 'CTRL+V' keyboard command
onBeforeExpand fires when a user clicks on the expand icon to change the scheduler's size from original to 'full screen'.
onBeforeExternalDragIn fires before some element starts to be dragged into the scheduler from an outside DHTMLX component (only with dnd extension enabled)
onBeforeFolderToggle fires before a tree branch will be opened or closed (the Timeline view, 'tree' mode only)
onBeforeLightbox fires immediately before the user opens the lightbox (edit form)
onBeforeParse fires before data started to be parsed
onBeforeQuickInfo fires immediately before the Quick Info popup is displayed for an event
onBeforeTodayDisplayed fires when the user clicks on the 'Today' button in the scheduler
onBeforeTooltip fires before the tooltip is displayed for a data item (only with the 'tooltip' extension enabled)
onBeforeViewChange fires before the user changes the current view to some other one
onCellClick fires when the user makes a single click on a cell (the Timeline view only)
onCellDblClick fires when the user makes a double click on a cell (the Timeline view only)
onClearAll fires after data in the scheduler was cleared
onClick fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on an event
onCollapse fires when a user clicks on the expand icon to change the scheduler's size from 'full screen' to original.
onConfirmedBeforeEventDelete fires after the user clicks on the delete button and confirms the deletion (in the event's bar or details window)
onContextMenu fires when the user calls the context menu by clicking the right mouse button inside the scheduler
onDataRender fires after data has been rendered on the page
onDblClick fires when the user double clicks on an event
onDestroy fires after scheduler has been cleared by the destructor method
onDragEnd fires when the drag/resize operation is finished
onEmptyClick fires when the user clicks on an empty space in the scheduler (not on events)
onError fires when assert receives the 'false' value, i.e. when assertion fails
onEventAdded fires when the user adds a new event to the scheduler
onEventCancel fires when the user clicks on the 'Cancel' button in the lightbox (edit form)
onEventChanged occurs after the user has edited an event and saved the changes (after clicking on the edit and save buttons in the event's bar or in the details window)
onEventCollision fires when the user tries to create a new event (or modify some existing one) inside of some already occupied time slot
onEventCopied fires when the user presses the 'CTRL+C' keyboard command (only with the 'keyboard navigation' extension enabled)
onEventCreated fires when the user starts to create a new event (by double click or dragging)
onEventCut fires when the user presses the 'CTRL+X' keyboard command (only with the 'keyboard navigation' extension enabled)
onEventDeleted fires after the specified event was deleted (version 3.0+)
onEventDrag fires when the user drags/resizes events in the scheduler
onEventDragIn fires when a dragged event is moved into the scheduler
onEventDragOut fires when a dragged event is moved out of the scheduler
onEventDropOut fires when a dragged event is dropped onto the area out of the scheduler
onEventIdChange fires when the id of an event is changed
onEventLoading fires when an event is being loaded from the data source
onEventPasted fires when the user presses the 'CTRL+V' keyboard command
onEventSave fires when the user clicks on the 'save' button in the lightbox (edit form)
onEventSelected fires when the user selects an event in the scheduler
onEventUnselected fires when the user unselects an event by selecting some other event
onExpand fires when a user clicks on the expand icon to change the scheduler's size from original to 'full screen'.
onExternalDragIn fires when some data is being dragged into the scheduler from an outside DHTMLX component (only with dnd extension enabled)
onLightbox fires after the user has opened the lightbox (edit form)
onLightboxButton fires when the user clicks a custom button in the lightbox
onLimitViolation fires when the user tries to set for an event the time that is currently limited/blocked
onLoadEnd fires after loading data from the data source has been completed
onLoadError fires if the scheduler has failed to parse data, or if the server has returned 4xx or 5xx response status
onLoadStart fires immediately before loading data from the data source has been started
onLocationError fires when the event location can't be found on the map (the Map view only)
onMouseDown fires when the user clicks on a scheduler's element that doesn't have the predefined 'onlick' handler
onMouseMove fires when the mouse cursor is moved over the scheduler
onOptionsLoad fires after sections of the Timeline/Units view have been updated
onOptionsLoadFinal fires after loading of an options(sections) collection is complete (the Timeline view only)
onOptionsLoadStart fires before a collection of options or sections starts to be loaded from the server (the Timeline view only)
onParse fires after data was parsed (became available for API) but before it was rendered in the Scheduler
onQuickInfo fires when the pop-up edit form appears
onSaveError fires when some error has happened during data updating
onScaleAdd fires after a single view unit (column, section, day cell etc.) has been rendered in the scheduler
onScaleDblClick fires when the user double clicks on the time scale
onSchedulerReady fires after scheduler initialization is complete, but the scheduler is not rendered on the page yet.
onSchedulerResize fires before the scheduler changes its size
onTemplatesReady fires when the scheduler templates are initialized
onTimelineCreated fires after the Timeline view has been initialized, but is not rendered on the page yet (the Timeline view only)
onViewChange fires after the current view has been changed to some other one
onViewMoreClick fires when the user clicks on the 'View more' link in the Month view (the Month view only)
onXLE fires after loading data from the data source is complete
onXLS fires immediately before loading data from the data source has been started
onXScaleClick fires when the user makes a single click on a cell on the x-axis (the Timeline view only)
onXScaleDblClick fires when the user makes a double click on a cell on the x-axis (the Timeline view only)
onYScaleClick fires when the user makes a single click on a cell on the y-axis (the Timeline view only)
onYScaleDblClick fires when the user makes a double click on a cell on the y-axis (the Timeline view only)
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