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Loading and storing data

Preparing data to load

There are the following types of information which can be loaded into DHTMLX To Do List:

You can prepare data in a separate file. Here is an example of an appropriate data set:

function getData() {

// data for tasks
const tasks = [
// data for tasks of the "widgets" project
id: "widgets",
project: "widgets",
text: "\u{1F389} DHTMLX widgets",
priority: 1
id: "gantt",
project: "widgets",
parent: "widgets",
text: "Gantt",
priority: 1
id: "scheduler",
project: "widgets",
parent: "widgets",
text: "Scheduler",
priority: 2
id: "diagram",
project: "widgets",
parent: "widgets",
text: "Diagram",
priority: 3
// data for tasks of the "introduction" project
id: "temp://1652991560212",
project: "introduction",
text: "Greetings, everyone! \u{1F44B} \nI'm DHTMLX To Do List.",
priority: null
id: "1652374122964",
project: "introduction",
text: "You can assign task performers and due dates using the menu.",
assigned: [
due_date: "2033-03-08T21:00:00.000Z",
priority: null
id: "1652097809881",
project: "introduction",
text: "You can create tasks with an infinite number of subtasks.",
assigned: [
collapsed: false,
priority: null
id: "1652097809882",
project: "introduction",
parent: "1652097809881",
text: "Use the Tab and Shift + Tab keys for this.",
checked: false,
priority: 3
id: "1652097809887",
project: "introduction",
parent: "1652097809881",
text: "Select and press Ctrl (Cmd) + Arrow up / Arrow down to change the task order.",
checked: false,
priority: null
// more task objects

// data for projects
const projects = [
id: "introduction",
label: "Introduction to DHTMLX To Do List"
id: "widgets",
label: "Our widgets"
// more project objects

// data for users
const users = [
id: "user_1",
label: "Don Smith",
avatar: "../avatar_02.jpg"
id: "user_2",
label: "Nadia Chasey",
avatar: "../avatar_05.jpg"
id: "user_3",
label: "Mike Young",
avatar: "../avatar_21.jpg"
// more user objects

// data for priorities
const priorities = [
id: 1,
label: "Critical",
color: "#f33",
id: 2,
label: "Major",
color: "rgba(255, 225, 0, 1)",
id: 3,
label: "Normal",
color: "hsla(170, 100%, 40%, 1)",
id: 4,
label: "Minor",
hotkey: "Alt+M",
// more priority objects

return { tasks, projects, users, priorities };

To be able to load and operate the data in your project, include the file on the page:

<script src="../data.js"></script>

And apply the object destructuring:

const { tasks, users, projects, priorities } = getData();

Loading from local source

Loading data on initialization

You can load a predefined data into To Do List on the initialization stage in the following way:

const { ToDo } = todo;
const { tasks, users, projects, priorities } = getData();

const list = new ToDo("#root", {

Loading data after initialization

To load data from a local data source after initialization of the To Do List, use the parse() method:

const { ToDo, Toolbar } = todo;

const { users, projects, tasks, priorities } = getData();

const list = new ToDo("#root", {});

const toolbar = new Toolbar("#toolbar", {
api: list.api,

// parse data into the component

Saving and restoring state

To save the current state of a To Do, use the serialize() method. It converts the data of the To Do List into a JSON object.

const state = list.serialize();
// {
// tasks: [{...}, {...}, ...],
// users: [{...}, {...}, ...],
// projects: [{...}, {...}, ...],
// priorities: [{...}, {...}, ...],
// tags: [],
// activeProject: string,
// }

Then you can parse the data stored in the saved state array to a different To Do List. For example:

// creating a new To Do
const list2 = new ToDo("#root2", {});

// parsing the state of To Do List into another To Do List