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Inline editing

Inline editing lets you edit the content of a task/project directly by double-clicking on it. The functionality is enabled by default.


When you enable the readonly mode of To Do List, inline editing becomes unavailable.

Supported formats of data

It is possible to type and edit the following data via the inline editor:

1. Text, numbers

2. Hashtags

Use hashtags to categorize tasks and make them more searchable. Here are some simple rules to know:

  • Hashtag is a combination of the # symbol and any letters, numbers (for instance, #sport)
  • To create a hashtag, enter # and at least one symbol after it (for instance, #t), and press Enter
  • You can use unlimited number of hashtags in To Do List. Separate the tags by spaces (for instance, #tag #tag1)
  • All created hashtags are accessible in all projects
  • To view the list of all hashtags you've already created, enter the # symbol. Click the necessary hashtag to add it to the task
  • To activate strict filtering, click a hashtag or enter it in the search bar in the toolbar

You can create a default list of tags via the tags property

3. Dates

To enter a date via the inline editor, type the ! symbol and the built-in date picker will appear on the page.

You can also wrap some text in the special symbols - !() - for instance, !(Enter Booking date), and press Enter to close the editor. In the future, clicking on this text will open the date picker.


The appearance of the added dates depends on the specified locale and date format

Working with editor

You can manage the editor by using the API:

To open the editor for a particular task/project, use the openInlineEditor() method:

list.openInlineEditor({ id: "1.1.1" });

To close the editor after finishing the editing of the item and save the changes made, pass the ID of the item to the closeInlineEditor() method:

id: "1.1.1"

If you don't need to save the changes after closing the editor, set the second save parameter of the method to false:

id: "1.1.1",
save: false