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Adds a new task into the list


id?: string | number,
parent?: string | number | null,
project?: string | number | null,
targetId?: string | number,
reverse?: boolean,
task: object
}): void;


  • id - (optional) the ID of a new task
  • parent - (optional) the ID of the parent task
  • project - (optional) the ID of the project. By default, the ID of the currently active project

In case the active project is specified but you need to add a task into the No project section, specify the value of the parameter to null

  • targetId - (optional) the ID of the future target task where the new task will be added
  • reverse - (optional) defines the position where the new task will be added: before or after the target task
  • task - (required) the data object of the new task. The full list of the task parameters can be found here

If you specify the id, parent, project parameters of the method, you don't need to specify them in the task object


const { ToDo, Toolbar } = todo;

// create To do list
const list = new ToDo("#root", {
tasks: [
{ id: "1", text: "Task 1", project: "first" },
{ id: "1.1", text: "Task 1.1", parent: "1", project: "first" },
{ id: "1.1.2", text: "Task 1.1.2", parent: "1.1", project: "first" },
{ id: "1.2", text: "Task 1.2", parent: "1", project: "first" },
projects: [
{ id: "first", label: "First project" },
{ id: "second", label: "Second project" },

const toolbar = new Toolbar("#toolbar", {
api: list.api,

// add a new task
id: "1.1.1",
project: "first",
parent: "1.1",
targetId: "1.1.2",
reverse: true,
task: {
text: "Task 1.1.1",

Related article: Operations with tasks